First, I want to thank everyone who has worked on creating org-mode. I
am a new user and I enjoy using org-mode a lot! Thank you for your

Second, I have a suggestion for a feature: A new "highlight" feature
which can also be tagged and made into a todo item, just like
headlines. For example (using -:: text ::- as example begin/end pairs)

* journal
** group meeting [2010-02-17 Wed 14:00]
   text text text...

   -:: should try the above in project 1 ::-    :idea:
   -:: Sandy made a good point there! ::-
   -:: TODO Sandy wants me to mail her the details ::-

This would allow users to stay in the same level when writing their
documents instead of creating new ones with headlines. Also, it would
allow users to create todo items in the context in which they arose.

An alternative that may be easier to implement is to extend tagging
and todos to list items:

- should try the above in project 1    :idea:
- Sandy made a good point there!
- TODO Sandy wants me to mail her the details

Perhaps this has not been a feature that has been requested before.
But I believe that if it is implemented, it will be used frequently by
users. What do you think?


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