Hi everybody!
I use these files:
- This is the file where I insert all my tasks and projects.
- It is divided by these topics:
* GTD Inbox
* Work
* Personal
* Agenda
** Appointments
** Bills
* Summary
** Estimated Hours
** Worked Hours
- At GTD Inbox, I collect all my new tasks and projects by using
org-remember. In my weekly review, I file them at appropriate section.
- Work and Personal is where I file my tasks and projects and give them
tags. This helps me filter within agenda view.
- I clock every task I am doing to get my working hours summary.
- Sometimes I use the archive feature to get rid of done tasks and
finished projects to a separated file.
- This is a file where I collect everything that I want to take note and
file for reference. This is used along with org-remember.
- It is divided by four topics:
* Ideas
* Jornal
* Phone Calls
* General Notes
I also have lots of other files that I fill in with notes. Every note has
a title with "*" and text body. All the files have a name that starts with
"nt_". I do not look at them very often, so I don't mind to have lots of
note files. I use Google Desktop or grep to search information in them
when I need it. These notes file vary a lot, for example, I have a
nt_windows.txt file that has notes about windows tips and tricks I
collected over time.
So far, this setup is working perfectly and I am able to track all my
projects and tasks. Thanks to orgmode!
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