Hi, all.
I wrote the (sami) auto convert script
to generate from orgcard.tex to orgcard.txt.

This script is not perfect, but may boost update of orgcard.txt and

On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 8:08 PM, Carsten Dominik
<carsten.domi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Apr 14, 2010, at 10:24 PM, Alan E. Davis wrote:
>> I intended this for the list, for what it's worth, so I am forwarding it
>> now.
>> Alan
>> Hello:
>> I tried at some point to reduce the orgcard to an org-mode file.  I
>> have a copy, but it's way out of date.  Org is changing too fast for
>> me to keep up.  It's perhaps worthwhile, though, and maybe useful.  It
>> is to me. It's attached.
> Actually, the orgcard is changing only very slowly.
> - Carsten
>> I started by running, I think, untex on orgcard.tex, then formatting
>> the output by hand.
>> Alan
>> On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 2:05 AM, Nathan Neff <nathan.n...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 2:33 AM, Christian Egli <christian.e...@sbszh.ch>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> Nathan Neff <nathan.n...@gmail.com> writes:
>>>>> I'd like to use the orgcard.txt file that's included in the org-mode
>>>>> source.
>>>>> I like being able to search through a text file for relevant keyboard
>>>>> shortcuts.
>>>>> It doesn't seem like it's been updated since org version 6.10.
>>>>> I tried running make doc, but I don't think that orgcard.txt is
>>>>> generated in
>>>>> the "make doc" task.
>>>> AFAIK It is not.
>>>>> Is orgcard.txt generated from orgcard.tex?  If so, can anyone tell me
>>>>> how
>>>>> to do it?
>>>> I presume that it is converted by hand. I tried a few automated tools
>>>> (pdftotext, latex2html + w3m) but they all give very bad results.
>>>> I would recommend to either
>>>>  a) compare the existing orgcard.pdf and orgcard.txt and update the
>>>>    existing orgcard.txt accordingly or
>>>>  b) cut'n'paste the text from a pdf viewer into emacs and do some magic
>>>>    with rectangles (as the text is in three columns) to achieve the
>>>>    desired result.
>>>> Then submit the newest orgcard.txt as a patch so you will not have to
>>>> keep it locally.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Christian
>>> Very cool.  I want to contribute back to org-mode, but I don't
>>> want to manually modify orgcard.txt :-)
>>> I will write a script that can parse the orgcard.tex file and pull out
>>> the
>>> goodies that we want in the orgcard.txt file.
>>> Regardless of whether that script is accepted into the org-mode base, I
>>> can
>>> run the script when there's an update to orgcard.tex, then submit the
>>> updated orgcard.txt.
>>> I should have a quick & dirty script (Perl) done by next week.
>>> Thanks,
>>> --Nate
>>>> --
>>>> Christian Egli
>>>> Swiss Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Print Disabled
>>>> Grubenstrasse 12, CH-8045 Zürich, Switzerland
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>>>> Emacs-orgmode mailing list
>>>> Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.
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>>> Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.
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>> Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.
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> - Carsten
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> Emacs-orgmode mailing list
> Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.
> Emacs-orgmode@gnu.org
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Org-Mode Reference Card (for version 6.35trans)

Getting Started
To read the on-line documentation try             M-x org-info

Visibility Cycling

rotate current subtree between states             TAB
rotate entire buffer between states               S-TAB
restore property-dependent startup visibility     C-u C-u TAB
show the whole file, including drawers            C-u C-u C-u TAB
reveal context around point                       C-c C-r


next/previous heading                             C-c C-n/p
next/previous heading, same level                 C-c C-f/b
backward to higher level heading                  C-c C-u
jump to another place in document                 C-c C-j
previous/next plain list item                     S-UP/DOWN[3]

Structure Editing

insert new heading/item at current level          M-RET
insert new heading after subtree                  C-RET
insert new TODO entry/checkbox item               M-S-RET
insert TODO entry/ckbx after subtree              C-S-RET
turn (head)line into item, cycle item type        C-c -
turn item/line into headline                      C-c *
promote/demote heading                            M-LEFT/RIGHT
promote/demote current subtree                    M-S-LEFT/RIGHT

move subtree/list item up/down                    M-S-UP/DOWN
sort subtree/region/plain-list                    C-c ^
clone a subtree                                   C-c C-x c
refile subtree                                    C-c C-w
kill/copy subtree                                 C-c C-x C-w/M-w
yank subtree                                      C-c C-x C-y or C-y
narrow buffer to subtree / widen                  C-x n s/w


archive subtree using the default command         C-c C-x C-a
move subtree to archive file                      C-c C-x C-s
toggle ARCHIVE tag / to ARCHIVE sibling           C-c C-x a/A
force cycling of an ARCHIVEd tree                 C-TAB

Filtering and Sparse Trees

construct a sparse tree by various criteria       C-c /
view TODO's in sparse tree                        C-c C-v
global TODO list in agenda mode                   C-c a t[1]
time sorted view of current org file              C-c a L


Creating a table

just start typing, e.g.                           |Name|Phone|Age RET |- TAB
convert region to table                           C-c |
... separator at least 3 spaces                   C-3 C-c |

Commands available inside tables

The following commands work when the cursor is inside a table.
Outside of tables, the same keys may have other functionality.

Re-aligning and field motion

re-align the table without moving the cursor      C-c C-c
re-align the table, move to next field            TAB
move to previous field                            S-TAB
re-align the table, move to next row              RET
move to beginning/end of field                    M-a/e

Row and column editing

move the current column left                      M-LEFT/RIGHT
kill the current column                           M-S-LEFT
insert new column to left of cursor position      M-S-RIGHT

move the current row up/down                      M-UP/DOWN
kill the current row or horizontal line           M-S-UP
insert new row above the current row              M-S-DOWN
insert hline below (C-u : above) current row      C-c -
insert hline and move to line below it            C-c RET
sort lines in region                              C-c ^


cut/copy/paste rectangular region                 C-c C-x C-w/M-w/C-y
fill paragraph across selected cells              C-c C-q


to limit column width to N characters, use        ...| <N> |...
edit the current field in a separate window       C-c `
make current field fully visible                  C-u TAB
export as tab-separated file                      M-x org-table-export
import tab-separated file                         M-x org-table-import
sum numbers in current column/rectangle           C-c +

Tables created with the table.el package

insert a new table.el table                       C-c ~
recognize existing table.el table                 C-c C-c
convert table (Org-mode <-> table.el)             C-c ~


Formulas typed in field are executed by TAB,
RET and C-c C-c.  = introduces a column
formula, := a field formula.

Example: Add Col1 and Col2                        |=$1+$2      |
... with printf format specification              |=$1+$2;%.2f|
... with constants from constants.el              |=$1/$c/$cm |
sum from 2nd to 3rd hline                         |:=vsum(@i...@iii)|
apply current column formula                      | = |

set and eval column formula                       C-c =
set and eval field formula                        C-u C-c =
re-apply all stored equations to current line     C-c *
re-apply all stored equations to entire table     C-u C-c *
iterate table to stability                        C-u C-u C-c *
rotate calculation mark through # * ! ^ _ $       C-#
show line, column, formula reference              C-c ?
toggle grid / debugger                            C-c }/{

Formula Editor

edit formulas in separate buffer                  C-c '
exit and install new formulas                     C-c C-c
exit, install, and apply new formulas             C-u C-c C-c
abort                                             C-c C-q
toggle reference style                            C-c C-r
pretty-print Lisp formula                         TAB
complete Lisp symbol                              M-TAB
shift reference point                             S-cursor
shift test line for column references             M-up/down
scroll the window showing the table               M-S-up/down
toggle table coordinate grid                      C-c }


globally store link to the current location       C-c l[1]
insert a link (TAB completes stored links)        C-c C-l
insert file link with file name completion        C-u C-c C-l
edit (also hidden part of) link at point          C-c C-l

open file links in emacs                          C-c C-o
...force open in emacs/other window               C-u C-c C-o
open link at point                                mouse-1/2
...force open in emacs/other window               mouse-3
record a position in mark ring                    C-c %
jump back to last followed link(s)                C-c &
find next link                                    C-c C-x C-n
find previous link                                C-c C-x C-p
edit code snippet of file at point                C-c '

Internal Links

<<My Target>>                                     target
<<<My Target>>>                                   radio target[2]
[[*this text]]                                    find headline
[[this text]]                                     find target or text in buffer
[[this text][description]]                        optional link text

External Links

file:/home/dominik/img/mars.jpg                   file, absolute
file:papers/last.pdf                              file, relative
file:projects.org::*that text                     find headline
file:projects.org::find me                        find trgt/string
http://www.astro.uva.nl/~dominik                  on the web
mailto:ad...@galaxy.net                           Email address
news:comp.emacs                                   Usenet group
bbdb:Richard Stallman                             BBDB person
gnus:group                                        GNUS group
gnus:group#id                                     GNUS message
vm|wl|mhe|rmail:folder                            Mail folder
vm|wl|mhe|rmail:folder#id                         Mail message
info:emacs:Regexps                                Info file:node
shell:ls *.org                                    shell command
elisp:(calendar)                                  elisp form
[[external link][description]]                    optional link text


In-buffer completion completes TODO keywords at headline start, TeX
macros after `\', option keywords after `#-', TAGS
after  `:', and dictionary words elsewhere.

complete word at point                            M-TAB

TODO Items and Checkboxes

rotate the state of the current item              C-c C-t
select next/previous state                        S-LEFT/RIGHT
select next/previous set                          C-S-LEFT/RIGHT
toggle ORDERED property                           C-c C-x o
view TODO items in a sparse tree                  C-c C-v
view 3rd TODO keyword's sparse tree               C-3 C-c C-v

set the priority of the current item              C-c , [ABC]
remove priority cookie from current item          C-c , SPC
raise/lower priority of current item              S-UP/DOWN[3]

insert new checkbox item in plain list            M-S-RET
toggle checkbox(es) in region/entry/at point      C-c C-x C-b
toggle checkbox at point                          C-c C-c
update checkbox statistics (C-u : whole file)     C-c #


set tags for current heading                      C-c C-q
realign tags in all headings                      C-u C-c C-q
create sparse tree with matching tags             C-c \\
globally (agenda) match tags at cursor            C-c C-o

Properties and Column View

set property/effort                               C-c C-x p/e
special commands in property lines                C-c C-c
next/previous allowed value                       S-left/right
turn on column view                               C-c C-x C-c
capture columns view in dynamic block             C-c C-x i

quit column view                                  q
show full value                                   v
edit value                                        e
next/previous allowed value                       n/p or S-left/right
edit allowed values list                          a
make column wider/narrower                        > / <
move column left/right                            M-left/right
add new column                                    M-S-right
Delete current column                             M-S-left


prompt for date and insert timestamp              C-c .
like C-c . but insert date and time format        C-u C-c .
like C-c . but make stamp inactive                C-c !
insert DEADLINE timestamp                         C-c C-d
insert SCHEDULED timestamp                        C-c C-s
create sparse tree with all deadlines due         C-c / d
the time between 2 dates in a time range          C-c C-y
change timestamp at cursor by ±1 day             S-RIGHT/LEFT[3]
change year/month/day at cursor by ±1            S-UP/DOWN[3]
access the calendar for the current date          C-c >
insert timestamp matching date in calendar        C-c <
access agenda for current date                    C-c C-o
select date while prompted                        mouse-1/RET
toggle custom format display for dates/times      C-c C-x C-t

Clocking time

start clock on current item                       C-c C-x C-i
stop/cancel clock on current item                 C-c C-x C-o/x
display total subtree times                       C-c C-x C-d
remove displayed times                            C-c C-c
insert/update table with clock report             C-c C-x C-r

Agenda Views

add/move current file to front of agenda          C-c [
remove current file from your agenda              C-c ]
cycle through agenda file list                    C-'
set/remove restriction lock                       C-c C-x </>

compile agenda for the current week               C-c a a[1]
compile global TODO list                          C-c a t[1]
compile TODO list for specific keyword            C-c a T[1]
match tags, TODO kwds, properties                 C-c a m[1]
match only in TODO entries                        C-c a M[1]
find stuck projects                               C-c a #[1]
show timeline of current org file                 C-c a L[1]
configure custom commands                         C-c a C[1]
agenda for date at cursor                         C-c C-o

Commands available in an agenda buffer

View Org file

show original location of item                    SPC/mouse-3
show and recenter window                          L
goto original location in other window            TAB/mouse-2
goto original location, delete other windows      RET
show subtree in indirect buffer, ded.\ frame      C-c C-x b
toggle follow-mode                                F

Change display

delete other windows                              o
view mode dispatcher                              v
switch to day/week/month/year view                d w vm vy
toggle diary entries / time grid / habits         D / G / K
toggle entry text / clock report                  E / R
toggle display of logbook entries                 l / v l/L
toggle inclusion of archived trees/files          v a/A
refresh agenda buffer with any changes            r / g
filter with respect to a tag                      /
save all org-mode buffers                         s
display next/previous day,week,...                f / b
goto today / some date (prompt)                   . / j

Remote editing

digit argument                                    0-9
change state of current TODO item                 t
kill item and source                              C-k
archive default                                   $ / a
refile the subtree                                C-c C-w
set/show tags of current headline                 : / T
set effort property (prefix=nth)                  e
set / compute priority of current item            , / P
raise/lower priority of current item              S-UP/DOWN[3]
run an attachment command                         C-c C-a
schedule/set deadline for this item               C-c C-s/d
change timestamp to one day earlier/later         S-LEFT/RIGHT[3]
change timestamp to today                         >
insert new entry into diary                       i
start/stop/cancel the clock on current item       I / O / X
jump to running clock entry                       J
mark / unmark / execute bulk action               m / u / B


follow one or offer all links in current entry    C-c C-o

Calendar commands

find agenda cursor date in calendar               c
compute agenda for calendar cursor date           c
show phases of the moon                           M
show sunrise/sunset times                         S
show holidays                                     H
convert date to other calendars                   C

Quit and Exit

quit agenda, remove agenda buffer                 q
exit agenda, remove all agenda buffers            x

LaTeX and cdlatex-mode

preview LaTeX fragment                            C-c C-x C-l
expand abbreviation (cdlatex-mode)                TAB
insert/modify math symbol (cdlatex-mode)          ` / '
insert citation using RefTeX                      C-c C-x [

Exporting and Publishing

Exporting creates files with extensions .txt and .html
in the current directory.  Publishing puts the resulting file into
some other place.

export/publish dispatcher                         C-c C-e

export visible part only                          C-c C-e v
insert template of export options                 C-c C-e t
toggle fixed width for entry or region            C-c :

Comments: Text not being exported

Text before the first headline is not considered part of the document
and is therefore never exported.
Lines starting with # are comments and are not exported.
Subtrees whose header starts with COMMENT are never exported.

toggle COMMENT keyword on entry                   C-c ;

Dynamic Blocks

update dynamic block at point                     C-c C-x C-u
update all dynamic blocks                         C-u C-c C-x C-u

[1] This is only a suggestion for a binding of this command.  Choose
your own key as shown under INSTALLATION.

[2] After changing a #+KEYWORD or <<<target>>> line,
press C-c C-c with the cursor still in the line to update.

[3] Keybinding affected by org-support-shift-select and 

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