On 27/04/10 23:00, David Frascone wrote:

I notice that you guys all seem to be VERY MUCH experts in orgmode. . .
my questions are all very . . urm . . RTFM'ish, or just noobish.

Should I be posting them somewhere else?  I'm still incorporating
org-mode into my life, and making many mistakes . . . but, I love the

I'm also loving having emacs back in my life too.  Last night, I
remotely edited some files on my web server.  I've been doing that for a
while with sshfs, but, I forgot how seamless you can do it with emacs. .
. pretty much deprecated sshfs for me (in the way I use it -- I'm either
editing a lot of stuff, or I ssh over, or I rsync -- I had been using
sshfs for the editing, and now no longer need to!)

Anyway, thanks for the answers so far, and thanks for the new ones that
will surely come when I get confused again.  I think my next goal is to
come up with some way to use multiple files to help my organizaition . .
and somehow link them together.  (Don't tell me . . still reading the
fine manual!)

I have been using org-mode for about three years and I am still a noobie:) Asking questions here helps future users, because the answers are then available via the list's history.

Org is capable of doing so many things that most people only use a subset of the available features. Quite often when browsing the list I find posts that give me ideas of a new way of doing something, or introduce me to some feature I wasn't aware of.


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