
Do you plan to add dropbox support into mobileorg-android?
That would be just great!

Thank you anyway for your efforts, even if dropbox gets dropped!


On Fri, 28 May 2010 14:40:05 -0400
Matthew Jones <bsdmatb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Sven, thanks for the wonderful feedback.  MobileOrg Android does attach a
> timestamp to the note (similar to what the iphone version does, just below
> the headline) but anything else you want as part of the heading you do have
> to type manually.
> I haven't yet published a roadmap because I've been on this frenetic pace to
> try to get close to feature parity with the iPhone version.   I'm currently
> working on giving you the ability to change TODO states... this is a bit of
> a challenge because of how I store each of the org files.   Richard's iPhone
> version actually reads the contents of the file into a database (I think?
>  Or at least... some other data structure) which lends itself well to the
> org-mobile-push model where an updated heading just gets pushed into the
> mobileorg.org file.    When I wrote my implementation I had not fully
> grasped that concept yet so I just store the file and parse it on-demand as
> you drill down into your file's contents.   In order to support editing
> files and changing TODO states, I need to switch to Richard's model of
> storing the components that make up the file instead of trying to parse it
> on-demand.
> Once I have this finished I plan to release the Beta, and at the same time
> push the application into the Android Market (still free and open source,
> mind you) as well as release comprehensive documentation.   I think (hope)
> that I can put the information on Richard's site dedicated to his version of
> MobileOrg and have his documentation be valid and easily understood for both
> version.
> 73,
> Matthew W. Jones (KI4ZIB)
> http://matburt.net
> On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 5:05 AM, Sven Bretfeld <sven.bretf...@gmx.ch> wrote:
> > Hi to all, hi Matthew
> >
> > I had a look at matburt's Github today and found the new 0.4alpha-build.
> > Now, MobOrg4And supports the capturing of notes. That's what I was
> > waiting for all the time. I can say that Note capturing works on my HTC
> > Magic, albeit I had little time so far to test it more than once or
> > twice.
> >
> > I just wanted to say thank you very much!
> >
> > Note taking is rudimentary at the moment. As far as I can see, you have
> > to type todo-keywords, tags and active timestamps manually. But that
> > doesn't matter too much at the moment. The current alternatives (RTM,
> > Toodledo) have similar inconveniences. However, in MobOrg4And we are in
> > our familiar org-syntax, so /everything/ can be done without complex
> > awk/sed
> > operations after syncing.
> >
> > @Matthew: Do you have some kind of roadmap published anywhere?
> >
> > Greetings,
> >
> > Sven
> >
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