On Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 11:58 AM, Bernt Hansen <be...@norang.ca> wrote:
> Matt Price <mopto...@gmail.com> writes:

>> GTD.org
>> this is the main storage place for actionable items, and items that
>> are waiting for a response, so it is listed in the agenda-files alist.
>>  My plan is to use custom agenda views to quickly access all actions i
>> need to take and all items i'm waiting for.  Everything should be
>> tagged with at least   a CONTEXT tag (calls, emails, office, home,
>> errands, etc) and in most cases probably another tag that relates in
>> some ways to content -- so e.g. a person's name could be used as a tag
>> to build what Allen calls "agendas" for the next meeting you have with
>> that person.  limiting on tags should make that pretty
>> straightforward.  Everything should also have a TODO state associated
>> with it; right now I'm thinking something like this:
>> but maybe there should be others.  (i do want to keep things as simple
>> as possible, though)
> With org-mode there's no real reason you have to keep these all in a
> single file.  I use multiple files with org-agenda-files listing the
> active ones which will contribute tasks to my agenda.

i'll see how it goes with one file -- i'm really loving having all my
mail in one folder and just filtering with wanderlust, i'm hoping it
will be the same with this system.
>> Projects.org
> I've tried multiple things for projects:
>  - todo state keywords (PROJECT and PROJDONE)
>  - tags :project:
> and I've recently moved to a lazy project definition described at
> http://doc.norang.ca/org-mode.html#sec-12_2

right now i'm using both tags and custom todo states, until i decide
which one works better.  i think i want to use todo states -- but i'm
having trouble filtering on TODO in the agenda, hopefully i'll figure
that out soon.
> This works great for me since I have level 1 tasks as categories and any
> actionable items start at level 2.  So a project is any level 2 task
> with actionable subtasks (any todo keyword)

i am thinking of something like that. there are 2 todo sequences:
only things that are actually actionable get called "actions" and end
up in my daily list of things to do.

anyway thanks for this, still working out the kinks but enjoying the system.

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