
I'm filling my taxes now. Of course, using Org for keeping a trace of all
computations and reasons of imputing this or that...

Though, since one of the last updates -- I guess --, I now have a problem
exporting such a table:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
* Autres frais professionnels

#+BEGIN_changemargin {-4.2cm}{0cm}
  #+ATTR_LaTeX: align=lrrrrr
  |   |                                          | Montant total (\EUR) | Taux 
amort (\%) | Part pro. (\%) | Déduc (\%) | NVE (\EUR) |
  |   | Documentation et formation               |                51.05 |       
          |                |            |       0.00 |
  |   | Communications GSM                       |               831.16 |       
      100 |             25 |        100 |     207.79 |
  |   | Internet (Dommel)                        |               167.88 |       
      100 |             33 |        100 |      55.40 |
  |   | Fournitures à amortir (ordinateur + GSM) |               762.51 |       
       33 |             80 |        100 |     201.30 |
  |   | Restaurant                               |               304.70 |       
      100 |            100 |         69 |     210.24 |
  |   | Total                                    |                      |       
          |                |            |    1062.02 |
  | ^ |                                          |                      |       
          |                |            |      Total |

  Some text.
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

1. I see the meta-tags in the PDF output!  Very new...

2. The `changemargin' environment is not correctly handled. See
   http://article.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/25849 for more info.

   FYI, here is the code for `changemargin' in my default class:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
% changing margins "on the fly" (in mid document)
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Any confirmation of these problems as new?

Best regards,

PS- Something not new, a bit annoying (even if detail):
    the `#+BEGIN_environment' "meta-tags" must begin at column 0.

Sébastien Vauban

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