This booktabs function has now been added to the library of babel.

Cheers -- Eric

"Eric Schulte" <> writes:

> Hi Tom,
> How about the following proposed library of babel function which
> constructs a booktabs environment using a toprule, (conditionally) a
> midrule, and a bottomrule.
> *** booktabs
> This block can be used to wrap a table in the latex =booktabs=
> environment, it takes the following arguments -- all but the first two
> are optional.
> | arg   | description                                |
> |-------+--------------------------------------------|
> | table | a reference to the table                   |
> | align | optional alignment string                  |
> | env   | optional environment, default to "tabular" |
> | width | optional width specification string        |
> #+srcname: booktabs
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var table='((:head) hline (:body)) :var align='() 
> :var env="tabular" :var width='() :noweb yes :results latex
>   (flet ((to-tab (tab)
>                  (orgtbl-to-generic
>                   (mapcar (lambda (lis)
>                             (if (listp lis)
>                                 (mapcar (lambda (el)
>                                           (if (stringp el)
>                                               el
>                                             (format "%S" el))) lis)
>                               lis)) tab)
>                   (list :lend " \\\\" :sep " & " :hline "\\hline"))))
>     (org-fill-template
>      "
>   \\begin{%env}%width%align
>   \\toprule
>   %table
>   \\bottomrule
>   \\end{%env}\n"
>      (list
>       (cons "env"       (or env "table"))
>       (cons "width"     (if width (format "{%s}" width) ""))
>       (cons "align"     (if align (format "{%s}" align) ""))
>       (cons "table"
>             ;; only use \midrule if it looks like there are column headers
>             (if (equal 'hline (second table))
>                 (concat (to-tab (list (first table)))
>                         "\n\\midrule\n"
>                         (to-tab (cddr table)))
>               (to-tab table))))))
> #+end_src
> once loaded it can be applied as here
> ** booktabs
> #+tblname: months
> | num | Abbrev. |
> |-----+---------|
> |   1 | Jan.    |
> |   2 | Feb.    |
> |   3 | Mar.    |
> #+call: booktabs(table=months, align="r|l") :results latex :exports results
> Also, note that the longtable function currently in the library-of-babel
> does allow for replacing the global default hline value.
> I'm sure the above isn't perfect, however hopefully it is close enough
> that you could recommend how to get the rest of the way there.
> Thanks -- Eric
> "Thomas S. Dye" <> writes:
>> Hi Eric,
>> This is neat, but it doesn't directly address the problem posed by the
>> OP.
>> Currently, the LaTeX exporter uses \hline for all the horizontal rules
>> in a table.  Booktabs defines three rules of different thickness for
>> use at the top of the table, after the column heads, and at the bottom
>> of the table.  So, one would want a function that let each of the
>> rules take a different value.  The default for each could be hline,
>> giving the current behavior of the exporter.  Francesco Pizzolante set
>> this out nicely a while back:
>> in a
>> message that Seb Vauban brought up in a slightly different  context.
>> All the best,
>> Tom
>> On Jun 27, 2010, at 7:09 PM, Eric Schulte wrote:
>>> One way to deal with this without adding even more complexity to the
>>> core of org-mode could be through the use of "Library of Babel"
>>> functions.
>>> The attached org-mode file provides a function for exporting to the
>>> longtable environment with some example usage.  If this looks
>>> generally
>>> useful it (and maybe similar functions) could be added to the
>>> library of
>>> babel distributed w/Org-mode.
>>> What do you think? -- Eric
>>> <>
>>> Sébastien Vauban <> writes:
>>>> Hi Erik,
>>>> Erik Butz wrote:
>>>>> I found a very old thread on the list about using the booktabs
>>>>> package to
>>>>> have nicer tables in latex export.
>>>>> I found that, making the changes below I can use the booktab
>>>>> package to
>>>>> export tables, and using standard tables only, this seems to work
>>>>> fine.
>>>>> Can anyone advice on whether this kind of change is meaningful or
>>>>> if this is
>>>>> likely to introduce difficulties elsewhere which I did not
>>>>> experience due to
>>>>> the limited scope of usage? It should be said that I did not at
>>>>> all look
>>>>> into longtables so far.
>>>> While trying to improve this, I think one could extend it so that
>>>> the table
>>>> environment can be changed as well, from `tabular' to `array',
>>>> tabular*',
>>>> `tabularx' or any other.
>>>> There was a discussion on this, a while ago, by Francesco
>>>> Pizzolante. Have a
>>>> read at:
>>>> .
>>>> Best regards,
>>>>  Seb
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