On Jul 5,2010, at 2:01 AM, Darlan Cavalcante Moreira wrote:

> You can create a table in the task and possibly a template (with org
> capture) to easily add a new line to this table. Whenever you complete the
> task you add the information to the table and mark the task as DONE. An
> advantage of this is that you can use the org-babel powers to make whatever
> you want with the information.

Thank you, Darlan — that is more or less what I thought. But here's the thing 
(which betrays by rather shallow understanding of org-mode at this point):  I 
know how to create such a table. But what I don't know is how to get the prompt 
to enter a new row. The notes function for tasks that are marked done don't 
navigate you to a previously defined block of text, if I'm not mistaken. So, 
there would be a lot of hand-navigation to make each entry. Perhaps Im 
misunderstanding something, but I am seeking the ease of use of the notes 
prompt, but with each new entry being not a separate note, but a row in that 
table. Thoughts?

— Michael

> At Mon, 5 Jul 2010 00:46:38 -0700,
> Michael Gilbert <m...@gilbert.org> wrote:
>> performed.
>> In general, I am trying to break my ties to a number of simpler
>> data-logging tools (web apps, text files) and just centralize this into
>> Org-Mode where it belongs.
>> Any advice?

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