Hi Sven,

does it help to remove ~/.emacs.d/.org-id-locations ?

Are you sure you are running the same version of Org on both systems?
On Jul 7, 2010, at 9:30 PM, Sven Bretfeld wrote:

Hi all

I have strange errors since I'm working with org-mobile. They seem to
have to do with the hash-code.

The first error: org-mobile-push results in a Wrong-type-argument. A
debug-message is included at the end of this mail. After an unsuccessful run of this function, the buffers of the included org-files display the ** symbol in the status line, although the buffers haven't been changed
at all. Strangely enough, after trying three of four times the command
succeeds at last.

But that's not all. Similar errors occur when I run org-archive- subtree.
Since I work with org-mobile my entries contain an automatically
produced property of the form:

   :ID:       8307e0ed-6936-4c88-b25f-d9729873f047

If I delete this property, org-archive-subtree works on the respective

I use the same configuration on two computers, both running Ubuntu
Lucid, Emacs 23.1.1 and the most recent version of org. These errors
occur only on one of the computers (the one I use to sync my org files
with a webdav server using org-mobile, if that's relevant).

Does anybody have an idea what could be wrong here?

Thanks for help,


Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument hash-table-p (("~/ aktuell/myconf/from-mobile.org" "cd2fdb6d-1ca6-45e7- b0d6-02044edcbbb9") ("~/aktuell/myconf/from-mobile.org" "fdcc85e2-51c8-4d3d-827c-396687ca5a13") ("~/aktuell/myconf/from- mobile.org" "a6a22b75-e0fe-44fb-b5d0-a61500218760") ("~/aktuell/ myconf/from-mobile.org" "2dce7212-3994-4ccc-a964-6569914fc17f") ("~/ aktuell/myconf/from-mobile.org" "177580d9- f0f0-472b-90d0-278bf503e07d") ("~/aktuell/myconf/mygtd.org" "c4ceb0b6-b854-41ab-91b6-e3b1d40d8289") ("~/aktuell/myconf/ mygtd.org" "8850e02f-9e33-456b-8654-e55cf1604036") ("~/aktuell/ myconf/mygtd.org" "593cf7d5-5db7-4b39-bc7f-190c4acb4f51") ("~/ aktuell/myconf/mygtd.org" "f20acbfb-c03c-4b08-bd22-d1b614dc7688") ("~/aktuell/myconf/mygtd.org" "c76519fa-c2ba-434c-b3e2- e3838b72e6e3") \.\.\.)) puthash("5a8cfb4f-3e43-4581-982b-44e0adcacac6" "~/aktuell/myconf/ mygtd.org" (("~/aktuell/myconf/from-mobile.org" "cd2fdb6d-1ca6-45e7- b0d6-02044edcbbb9") ("~/aktuell/myconf/from-mobile.org" "fdcc85e2-51c8-4d3d-827c-396687ca5a13") ("~/aktuell/myconf/from- mobile.org" "a6a22b75-e0fe-44fb-b5d0-a61500218760") ("~/aktuell/ myconf/from-mobile.org" "2dce7212-3994-4ccc-a964-6569914fc17f") ("~/ aktuell/myconf/from-mobile.org" "177580d9- f0f0-472b-90d0-278bf503e07d") ("~/aktuell/myconf/mygtd.org" "c4ceb0b6-b854-41ab-91b6-e3b1d40d8289") ("~/aktuell/myconf/ mygtd.org" "8850e02f-9e33-456b-8654-e55cf1604036") ("~/aktuell/ myconf/mygtd.org" "593cf7d5-5db7-4b39-bc7f-190c4acb4f51") ("~/ aktuell/myconf/mygtd.org" "f20acbfb-c03c-4b08-bd22-d1b614dc7688") ("~/aktuell/myconf/mygtd.org" "c76519fa-c2ba-434c-b3e2- e3838b72e6e3") \.\.\.)) (progn (unless org-id-locations (org-id-locations-load)) (puthash id (abbreviate-file-name file) org-id-locations) (add-to-list (quote org-id-files) (abbreviate-file-name file))) (if (and org-id-track-globally id file) (progn (unless org-id- locations ...) (puthash id ... org-id-locations) (add-to- list ... ...))) (when (and org-id-track-globally id file) (unless org-id-locations (org-id-locations-load)) (puthash id (abbreviate-file-name file) org- id-locations) (add-to-list (quote org-id-files) (abbreviate-file- name file))) org-id-add-location("5a8cfb4f-3e43-4581-982b-44e0adcacac6" "/home/ sven/aktuell/myconf/mygtd.org") (cond ((and id ... ...) id) (create (setq id ...) (org-entry-put pom "ID" id) (org-id-add-location id ...) id) (t nil))
 (let ((id ...)) (cond (... id) (create ... ... ... id) (t nil)))
(save-excursion (goto-char (or pom ...)) (let (...) (cond ... ... ...))) (save-excursion (if (markerp pom) (set-buffer ...)) (save-excursion (goto-char ...) (let ... ...)))
 (org-with-point-at pom (let (...) (cond ... ... ...)))
 org-id-get(#<marker at 1665 in mygtd.org> create)
(if (org-bound-and-true-p org-mobile-force-id-on-agenda-items) (org- id-get m (quote create)) (org-entry-get m "ID")) (setq id (if (org-bound-and-true-p org-mobile-force-id-on-agenda- items) (org-id-get m ...) (org-entry-get m "ID"))) (if (setq id (if ... ... ...)) (progn (insert " :PROPERTIES: \n :ORIGINAL_ID: " id "\n :END:\n"))) (when (setq id (if ... ... ...)) (insert " :PROPERTIES: \n :ORIGINAL_ID: " id "\n :END:\n")) (if sexp nil (insert (org-agenda-get-some-entry-text m 10 " " ...) "\n") (when (setq id ...) (insert " :PROPERTIES: \n :ORIGINAL_ID: " id "\n :END:\n"))) (unless sexp (insert (org-agenda-get-some-entry-text m 10 " " ...) "\n") (when (setq id ...) (insert " :PROPERTIES: \n :ORIGINAL_ID: " id "\n :END:\n"))) (cond ((looking-at "[ ]*$")) ((looking-at "=+$") (delete- region ... ...)) ((get-text-property ... ...) (setq in-date nil) (setq app ...) (setq short ...) (when ... ... ...) (when app ... ... ...) (insert "* ")) ((get-text-property ... ...) (setq in-date t) (insert "** ")) ((setq m ...) (setq sexp ...) (if ... ... ...) (insert ...) (end-of-line 1) (insert "\n") (unless sexp ... ...))) (while (not (eobp)) (cond (...) (... ...) (... ... ... ... ... ... ...) (... ... ...) (... ... ... ... ... ... ...)) (beginning-of-line 2)) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer temp-buffer) (org-mode) (insert "# +READONLY\n") (insert all) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (not ...) (cond ... ... ... ... ...) (beginning-of-line 2)) (push (cons ... ...) org-mobile-checksum-files)) (with-current-buffer temp-buffer (org-mode) (insert "#+READONLY\n") (insert all) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (not ...) (cond ... ... ... ... ...) (beginning-of-line 2)) (push (cons ... ...) org-mobile-checksum-files)) (prog1 (with-current-buffer temp-buffer (org-mode) (insert "# +READONLY\n") (insert all) (goto-char ...) (while ... ... ...) (push ... org-mobile-checksum-files)) (with-current-buffer temp- buffer (write-region nil nil temp-file nil 0))) (unwind-protect (prog1 (with-current-buffer temp- buffer ... ... ... ... ... ...) (with-current-buffer temp- buffer ...)) (and (buffer-name temp-buffer) (kill-buffer temp- buffer))) (let ((temp-file file) (temp-buffer ...)) (unwind-protect (prog1 ... ...) (and ... ...))) (with-temp-file file (org-mode) (insert "#+READONLY\n") (insert all) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (not ...) (cond ... ... ... ... ...) (beginning-of-line 2)) (push (cons ... ...) org-mobile-checksum-files)) (let ((all ...) in-date id pl prefix line app short m sexp) (with- temp-file file (org-mode) (insert "#+READONLY\n") (insert all) (goto- char ...) (while ... ... ...) (push ... org-mobile-checksum-files)) (message "Agenda written to Org file %s" file)) org-mobile-write-agenda-for-mobile("/home/sven/webdav/org/ agendas.org") (cond ((org-bound-and-true-p org-mobile-creating-agendas) (org- mobile-write-agenda-for-mobile file)) ((string-match "\\.html?\\'" file) (set-buffer ...) (when ... ... ... ...) (write-file file) (kill-buffer ...) (message "HTML written to %s" file)) ((string- match "\\.ps\\'" file) (require ...) (flet ... ...) (message "Postscript written to %s" file)) ((string-match "\\.pdf\\'" file) (require ...) (flet ... ...) (call-process "ps2pdf" nil nil nil ... ...) (message "PDF written to %s" file)) ((string-match "\ \.ics\\'" file) (require ...) (let ... ...)) (t (let ... ... ... ... ... ... ...))) (progn (insert bs) (org-agenda-remove-marked-text (quote org- filtered)) (while (setq beg ...) (delete-region beg ...)) (run-hooks (quote org-agenda-before-write-hook)) (cond (... ...) (... ... ... ... ... ...) (... ... ... ...) (... ... ... ... ...) (... ... ...) (t ...))) (unwind-protect (progn (insert bs) (org-agenda-remove-marked- text ...) (while ... ...) (run-hooks ...) (cond ... ... ... ... ... ...)) (and (buffer-name temp-buffer) (kill- buffer temp-buffer))) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer temp-buffer) (unwind-protect (progn ... ... ... ... ...) (and ... ...))) (with-current-buffer temp-buffer (unwind-protect (progn ... ... ... ... ...) (and ... ...))) (let ((temp-buffer ...)) (with-current-buffer temp-buffer (unwind- protect ... ...))) (with-temp-buffer (insert bs) (org-agenda-remove-marked-text (quote org-filtered)) (while (setq beg ...) (delete-region beg ...)) (run- hooks (quote org-agenda-before-write-hook)) (cond (... ...) (... ... ... ... ... ...) (... ... ... ...) (... ... ... ... ...) (... ... ...) (t ...))) (let ((bs ...) beg) (org-agenda-unmark-filtered-text) (with-temp- buffer (insert bs) (org-agenda-remove-marked-text ...) (while ... ...) (run-hooks ...) (cond ... ... ... ... ... ...))) (save-window-excursion (org-agenda-mark-filtered-text) (let (... beg) (org-agenda-unmark-filtered-text) (with-temp- buffer ... ... ... ... ...))) (save-excursion (save-window-excursion (org-agenda-mark-filtered- text) (let ... ... ...))) (let nil (save-excursion (save-window-excursion ... ...)) #<buffer *SUMO*>) eval((let nil (save-excursion (save-window-excursion ... ...)) #<buffer *SUMO*>)) org-let(nil (save-excursion (save-window-excursion (org-agenda-mark- filtered-text) (let ... ... ...))) #<buffer *SUMO*>)
 org-write-agenda("/home/sven/webdav/org/agendas.org" nil t)
(let ((org-agenda-compact-blocks nil)) (org-write-agenda "/home/ sven/webdav/org/agendas.org" nil t)) eval((let ((org-agenda-compact-blocks nil)) (org-write-agenda "/ home/sven/webdav/org/agendas.org" nil t)))
 (while files (eval (list ... ... ...)))
(progn (eval (list ... ... ...)) (set-buffer org-agenda-buffer- name) (while files (eval ...)) (and (get-buffer org-agenda-buffer- name) (kill-buffer org-agenda-buffer-name))) (if files (progn (eval ...) (set-buffer org-agenda-buffer-name) (while files ...) (and ... ...))) (when files (eval (list ... ... ...)) (set-buffer org-agenda-buffer- name) (while files (eval ...)) (and (get-buffer org-agenda-buffer- name) (kill-buffer org-agenda-buffer-name))) (while cmds (setq cmd (pop cmds) thiscmdkey (car cmd) cmd-or-set (nth 2 cmd) opts (nth ... cmd) files (nth ... cmd)) (if (stringp files) (setq files ...)) (when files (eval ...) (set-buffer org- agenda-buffer-name) (while files ...) (and ... ...))) (save-window-excursion (while cmds (setq cmd ... thiscmdkey ... cmd- or-set ... opts ... files ...) (if ... ...) (when files ... ... ... ...))) (let ((cmds ...) (pop-up-frames nil) (dir default-directory) pars cmd thiscmdkey files opts cmd-or-set) (while parameters (push ... pars)) (setq pars (reverse pars)) (save-window-excursion (while cmds ... ... ...))) (lambda (&rest parameters) "Run all custom agenda commands that have a file argument." (let (... ... ... pars cmd thiscmdkey files opts cmd-or-set) (while parameters ...) (setq pars ...) (save-window- excursion ...)))()
 (progn (org-store-agenda-views))
 (if sumo (progn (org-store-agenda-views)))
 (when sumo (org-store-agenda-views))
(let* ((file ...) (file1 ...) (sumo ...) (org-agenda-custom- commands ...) (org-mobile-creating-agendas t)) (unless (file- writable-p file1) (error "Cannot write to file %s" file1)) (when sumo (org-store-agenda-views)) (when org-mobile-use-encryption (org- mobile-encrypt-file file1 file) (delete-file file1)))
 (let ((inhibit-redisplay t)) (org-mobile-create-sumo-agenda))
(save-window-excursion (org-mobile-check-setup) (org-mobile-prepare- file-lists) (run-hooks (quote org-mobile-pre-push-hook)) (message "Creating agendas...") (let (...) (org-mobile-create-sumo-agenda)) (message "Creating agendas...done") (org-save-all-org-buffers) (message "Copying files...") (org-mobile-copy-agenda-files) (message "Writing index file...") (org-mobile-create-index-file) (message "Writing checksums...") (org-mobile-write-checksums) (run-hooks (quote org-mobile-post-push-hook))) (save-excursion (save-window-excursion (org-mobile-check-setup) (org-mobile-prepare-file-lists) (run-hooks ...) (message "Creating agendas...") (let ... ...) (message "Creating agendas...done") (org- save-all-org-buffers) (message "Copying files...") (org-mobile-copy- agenda-files) (message "Writing index file...") (org-mobile-create- index-file) (message "Writing checksums...") (org-mobile-write- checksums) (run-hooks ...))) (let ((org-agenda-buffer-name "*SUMO*") (org-agenda-filter org- agenda-filter) (org-agenda-redo-command org-agenda-redo-command)) (save-excursion (save-window- excursion ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...))) (let ((a-buffer ...)) (let (... ... ...) (save-excursion ...)) (redraw-display) (when (and a-buffer ...) (if ... ... ...)))
 call-interactively(org-mobile-push nil nil)

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- Carsten

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