Cecil Westerhof <cldwester...@gmail.com> writes:

> Op woensdag 21 jul 2010 15:46 CEST schreef Juan:
>>> | # | Total hours | 16@ 15' 0" | 18@ 5' 0"  |
>>> | ^ |             | totalTime1 | totalTime2 |
>>> |---+-------------+------------+------------|
>>> #+TBLFM: $totalTime1=vsum(@-i...@-i); f2 :: $totalTime2=vsum(@-i...@-i); f2
>>> First of all I would like to see 16.25 instead of 16@ 15' 0". Is this
>>> possible?
>> Calc's "deg" function does this.
>> use deg(vsum(...)) in the formulas
> That works. Thanks. I should learn calc. ;-}
> I now have (I already made changes):
>     |---+-------------+--------------+--------------|
>     | # | Total hours | 14.00        | 6.00         |
>     | ^ |             | totalTime1   | totalTime2   |
>     |   | Hourly rate | 40           | 50           |
>     | ^ |             | hourRate1    | hourRate2    |
>     | # |  To declare | 560.00       | 300.00       |
>     | ^ |             | declaration1 | declaration2 |
>     |---+-------------+--------------+--------------|
>     #+TBLFM: $totalTime1=deg(vsum(@-i...@-i)); f2 :: 
> $totalTime2=deg(vsum(@-i...@-i)); f2 :: $declaration1=$totalTime1*$hourRate1; 
> f2 :: $declaration2=$totalTime2*$hourRate2; f2
> This works. One strange thing (not important I think, but I mention
> it), I needed to recalculate twice. The first time the 'Total hours'
> was displayed correctly, only the second time 'To declare' was
> displayed correctly.
> I have two formula's that I have to write for every column, I still
> would like to now if there is a way to only write them once.

No, I'm afraid not.

> I am not very happy with the long line of formula's. Especially when I
> have to repeat formula's. Would something like this be possible?
>     #+TBLFM: $totalTime1=deg(vsum(@-i...@-i)); f2 ::
>              $totalTime2=deg(vsum(@-i...@-i)); f2 ::
>              $declaration1=$totalTime1*$hourRate1; f2 ::
>              $declaration2=$totalTime2*$hourRate2; f2

The formula editor ( C-c ' ) will display the formulas one per line and
make duplicating and changing them much easier.



> This would at least make updating repeating formula's easier and
> easier to check.

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