Richard Moreland <> writes:

> On Jul 30, 2010, at 10:17 AM, Erwin Panen wrote:
>> Further to the app badge: Would this then show the number of changes
>> like it shows on the Outlines icon or analoguous to e.g. the Mail
>> icon in the iPhones dock?  If yes, on what basis will synching
>> happen.... ?
> The badge will show the cumulate count of unsynced edit/new notes, so
> it will be the sum of the red indicator badges that show up on the
> Outlines and Capture buttons.  When you open the app and press sync,
> the badge will be cleared.

Unless there is a problem, I don't see why this should ever be off -
it's normal behavior.  I found the label confusing.  So I'd vote for
deleting the preference and just doing it.  If not, I'd make it negative
and "Suppress needing-sync count in badge".

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