Dear Experts,

I *love* org-babel. In trying to switch a bunch of things to using it, I
have run into the problem that if I get the syntax slightly wrong, either
nothing happens (no output) or I just get something like "ERROR". Is there a
way to understand what is causing the error? So far, I have resorted to
creating a checklist of common mistakes which I run through whenever
something doesn't work. I think many of these look like things which could
in theory be detected and warned or complained about. Any suggestions on
debugging would be much appreciated.

Below is a list of some common mistakes.

** common mistakes

*** forgetting colon on srcname

If you do the following (note the missing colon on srcname)

#+srcname Cube(x=3)
#+begin_src python :results value :export code
return x*x*x

then things won't work (e.g., you may get an error about "global name
'x' is not defined" which is pretty confusing).

Instead, make sure you have the colons and do

#+srcname: Cube(x=3)
#+begin_src python :results value :export both
return x*x*x

which gives

#+results: Cube
: 27

*** forgetting = in chained sbe call

Make sure you include the = sign in a chained sbe call like the

| 512 |
#+TBLFM: @1$1='(sbe "Cube" (x "Cube(x=2)"))

If you forget the = as in
| 19683 |
#+TBLFM: @1$1='(sbe "Cube" (x "Cube(x 1)"))

or if you forget a quote as in
| #ERROR |
#+TBLFM: @1$1='(sbe "Cube" (x "Cube(x=2)))
it won't work.

*** getting confused on sbe call

It's common to forget that the sbe syntax uses pairs *without* the
equal sign. Consequently, something like
| #ERROR |
#+TBLFM: @1$1='(sbe "Cube" (x=2))

won't work but something like

| 8 |
#+TBLFM: @1$1='(sbe "Cube" (x 2))

will do what you want.
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