
I've been hunting for some info on gnuplot and wondered if there is a
suggested "best practice" for using it and org...

I've just used what worg has (#+PLOT: ...)
- http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-plot.php

But several discussions seem to show a lot of people using embedded source
instead (#+begin_src gnuplot...)?
- http://www.mail-archive.com/emacs-orgmode@gnu.org/msg26014.html
- http://www.mail-archive.com/emacs-orgmode@gnu.org/msg27861.html
- http://www.mail-archive.com/emacs-orgmode@gnu.org/msg28119.html

Is it better to choose one over the other? I'm guessing it's easier to find
help with the babel method since the lingo is the same vs. needing to know
the discrepancies used by org-plot to translate into gnuplot?

Thanks for suggestions,
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