I've been messing around in an ineffectual way with better ways to get
data from various google services (importantly gcalender and gmail)
into org.

I'd like gcalendar to talk to calendar, and I'd like gmail to feed
threads into headings.  The latter seems very close to the idea behind

I long ago hacked together a system for gcalendar that involved a wget
on an *.ics file and some elisp to get this into calendar entries.
This works, in a hackish way, but is neither elegant nor particularly

I think that a much better system would be to use org-feeds to
subscribe to the atom feed that gcalendar provides.  But I don't see
how org-feeds manages authentication, which would be necessary for
this or other (e.g., gmail services). 

T. V. Raman posted a couple of years ago 
(http://article.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/3499/) regarding code
he'd written to read google's atom feeds.  This seems like a huge step
in the right direction, but my elisp-fu isn't strong enough to manage
the additional steps of integrating this into org-mode.

Has anyone else tackled this problem?  I'm used to discovering that
all my clever ideas about ways to extend org's functionality have
already been thought of, so I'm expecting one of you to point me to a
thread from three years ago and point to the code that's sitting right
there in contrib.


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