Jambunathan K <kjambunat...@gmail.com> writes:

>     >> It would be convenient if I could do a
>     >> 
>     >> M-x customize-group org-capture and/or M-x customize-variable
>     >> org-capture-templates
>     >> 
>     >> without having triggered a prior org-capture.
>     >> 
>     >> For now, I trigger a capture, abort it and then proceed ahead
>     >> with customizing these.
>     > Add
>     > (require 'org-capture)
>     > to your .emacs
> I was wondering whether the symbol could be 'autoloaded' just as the
> org-capture defun is autoloaded. 

The org-capture file is autoloaded now the first time you use it ... and
you want the definitions before you use it so you need to load it
explicitly first -- which is what the above require does I think.

I'm not aware of anything like that for symbols but I'm not an emacs
lisp expert by any means.


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