
Eric S Fraga <ucec...@ucl.ac.uk> writes:
> I cannot help you directly with the Palm but, in case you wish to
> consider a different little computer, the Nokia N810 (an internet
> tablet, not a phone) does a good job of running Emacs in a phone sized
> form factor (but with keyboard).  I was (and still am every now and
> again) using this specifically for org-mode.
> The latest incarnation of this system (which started with the N770 and
> progress through the N800 and N810) is the N900 which is now a phone
> as well as an internet table.  This also, I'm told, runs Emacs.

Great idea :-)

Are there packages for nokia n800 running OS 2008 ? I happen to have one
such device that could very well be used for this instead of collection
dust ;)

I've found a package for emacs 22
but that all seems old and requires dependencies on unabailable packages

Also emacs 22 is a bit too old maybe ?

Any hints would be welcome.

Best regards,
Olivier BERGER <olivier.ber...@it-sudparis.eu> - OpenPGP: 5819D7E8
Ingénieur Recherche - Dept INF - T&MSP (http://www.it-sudparis.eu)

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