
I am hoping somebody can suggest a workaround for a simple problem
with org-mime.  Specifically, I am in charge of a project in which I
need to email around a to do list with checkboxes.  I have been using
PDF export for this and this works perfectly fine.  However, given the
existence of org-mime, I thought this would remove a step from those
reading my emails.

The problem is that the HTML conversion for checkbox lists uses the 

: <span style="visibility:hidden;">X</span>

(generated on line 1765 of org-html.el) to fill in the checkboxes for
items *not* done.  Unfortunately, the visibility attribute is ignored
by some email readers, with /Gmail/ being one of the prominent guilty
ones.  This makes my todo lists look like everything is already done
and we can all go home early!  How I wish this were true... ;-)

The whole reason for the use of the visibility attribute, I assume, is
to line entries up.

I am happy to do some post-processing on the HTML output but I think a
better solution may be to do this export differently.  Does anybody
have any suggestions?  Would replacing the X in the above with &nbsp;
be good enough?

Eric S Fraga
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