Dear all,

I just tried the MobileOrg on an iPhone 4 and a desktop (Windows 7 Home) via
Dropbox, and found the following problems. Most likely it's due to my wrong
configurations. Would someone kindly help me out please? The version of
Org-mode is 6.33x, and Emacs 23.2.1.

1. When ``org-mobile-push'', windows asks me to select a program to open the
.org files one by one before any file can be copied. I assume that it is not
what is supposed to happen?
2. After pushing, I did not find the ``'' files created. All .org
files were copied into the Dropbox folder, and the and files were created.
3. On the iP side, the agenda is, of coz, empty.
4. After changing the status of a task on the iP side, I can find the change
is clearly and accurately listed in the ``'' file in my desktop
folder, but the ``org-mobile-pull'' does nothing, i.e., the local .org file
on my desktop is not synchronized.

Thank you very much for your help!

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