Hi Sebastien

Tried out isodoc. I like it. 

I only wish I had started out with this package rather than

The good thing about isodoc is that the default style of 'A simple
letter' in the document [1] is more closer to the convention that is
used here in India. Furthermore package seems 'very recent'.

With scrlttr2 [2], I had invested good amount of time reading through
the manual and tweaking DIN.lco to assigning From, To and Subject lines
to their 'rightful' place. I also felt that the default style was a bit
too gaudy for my taste.

I will have isodoc in mind when I get to work on a patch for letter
writing support in orgmode. The essentials for letter writing support
seem to be the same - setup key, value pairs (with key being a headline
and value being the body) and emit them in a way that is expected by the
underlying package.

I would like to hear why you chose to go down the tangling
path. Personally I feel any sort of markup (this includes babel
directives) distracting.

Btw, your approach set me thinking. I think there is a strong case for
making headlines act as babel srcnames with their body providing content
for noweb expansion [3]. This behaviour could be controlled by a buffer
local variable.

Wondering how babel treats srcnames? Can there be spaces? Is upper and
lower cases treated one and the same ...


[1] http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/isodoc/isodoc.pdf
[2] http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/28012

[3] It is likely the body of the headline might be run through a custom
    renderer (say latex, html or even emac's own comment-region) before
    finding it's way in to the document generated by tangle.

Thanks once again for referring me to isodoc.

Jambunathan K.

Sébastien Vauban <wxhgmqzgwmuf-genee64ty+gs+fvcfc7...@public.gmane.org>

> Hello,
> Based on a thread launched by Jambunathan, I've tried to follow another
> direction, having a huge interest in getting such a thing to work.
> My trial is very border-line, as I tried using Org code blocks. Would these be
> "convertable" to LaTeX, that would make (or have made) sense.
> Just presenting this to you, in order to receive ideas on how to progress in
> the right direction.
> #+TITLE:     Org-isodoc
> #+AUTHOR:    Seb Vauban
> #+DATE:      2010-09-07
> #+LANGUAGE:  en_US
> * To
> #+srcname: to
> #+begin_src org
> Org mode user group \\
> World Wide Web
> #+end_src
> * Subject
> #+srcname: subject
> #+begin_src org
> Composing letters using Org mode and the LaTeX isodoc class
> #+end_src
> * Opening
> #+srcname: opening
> #+begin_src org
> Dear Org mode users,
> #+end_src
> * Body
> #+srcname: body
> #+begin_src org
> Following ideas found here, I am trying to use Org for writing LaTeX letters
> at the speed of light.
> The class I'm used to compose with is called isodoc. Very nice. You should try
> it...
> *Problems* encountered /so far/:
> - how to insert properly converted tables (to =LaTeX=)?
>   | test | hello |
>   | foo  | bar   |
> - begin an Org block, editing this code adds commas in front of every line...
> That's all for now.
> #+end_src
> * Closing
> #+srcname: closing
> #+begin_src org
>   Yours Truly
> #+end_src
> * Encl
> #+srcname: encl
> #+begin_src org
> I still have to look at how to declare some attached documents.
> #+end_src
> * Letter
> #+begin_src latex :noweb yes :tangle yes
> \documentclass[11pt]{isodoc}
> \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc}
> \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
> %\usepackage[scorpios]{isodoc-style}
> \usepackage[mygooglest]{isodoc-style}
> \setupdocument{
>     to = {%
>           <<to>>},
>     subject = {<<subject>>},
>     opening = {<<opening>>},
>     closing = {<<closing>>}
> }
> \begin{document}
> \letter{%
> <<body>>
> }
> \end{document}
> #+end_src
> #+results:
> \documentclass[11pt]{isodoc}
> \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc}
> \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
> %\usepackage[scorpios]{isodoc-style}
> \usepackage[mygooglest]{isodoc-style}
> \setupdocument{
>     to = {%
>           Org mode user group \\
>           World Wide Web},
>     subject = {Composing letters using Org mode and the LaTeX isodoc class},
>     opening = {Dear Org mode users,},
>     closing = {Yours Truly}
> }
> \begin{document}
> \letter{%
> Following ideas found here, I am trying to use Org for writing LaTeX letters
> at the speed of light.
> The class I'm used to compose with is called isodoc. Very nice. You should try
> it...
> *Problems* encountered /so far/:
> - how to insert properly converted tables (to =LaTeX=)?
>   | test | hello |
>   | foo  | bar   |
> - begin an Org block, editing this code adds commas in front of every line...
> That's all for now.
> }
> \end{document}
> #+END_LaTeX
> Best regards,
>   Seb

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