Puneeth <puncha...@gmail.com> writes:

> It was a wonderful interview. Always a pleasure watching Carsten talk
> about org-mode.

Indeed -- thanks to those who could join!

Here are the IRC logs.

[18:30]*** You have joined channel #twitlive
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       *** Users on #twitlive: hawk jwfoxjr GadgetMan &Dan_MB Elspuddy Osmonde 
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       <J5_JHallgren> Web4292: kinda like comparing a kid with 2 hr of drivers 
ed to a 30 yr prof truck driver maybe?
       <Web4292> Did RandalSchwartz leave the chat or something?
       *** ADub (webu...@twitirc-3ccd064c.hcrec.com) has joined channel 
       *** mrpbody64 (webu...@twitirc-bbc6d6c1.callplus.net.nz) has joined 
channel #twitlive
       <RandalSchwartz> I'm here
       <Ikon_w> none taken jacek; it was just so funny to hear the name again; 
I used xenix 286, back in the day :)
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timeout: 121 seconds
[18:31]*** thegoatmilkguy (thegoatm...@twitirc-fe11c1bc.wa.comcast.net) has 
quit: EOF from client
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timeout: 121 seconds
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channel #twitlive
       <Ikon_w> lol j-dog 
       *** WebWatcher (webu...@twitirc-2f02fbe6.graytown-wifi-1201.amplex.net) 
has quit: Quit: Page closed
       <jacek> Ikon_w them were the days ;-)
       *** thegoatmilkguy (thegoatm...@twitirc-fe11c1bc.wa.comcast.net) has 
joined channel #twitlive
       <Web4292> RandalSchwartz, sorry I thought you left because you haven't 
said much in a while.
       *** Alpha (webu...@twitirc-27a94b28.res.rr.com) has quit: Ping timeout: 
121 seconds
       <xyz> floss me 
       *** blahblahblah15 (webu...@twitirc-fa6137fa.fios.verizon.net) has 
joined channel #twitlive
       <RandalSchwartz> I was prep
[18:32]*** ADub (webu...@twitirc-3ccd064c.hcrec.com) has quit: Quit: Page closed
       *** entity (ent...@twitirc-064455fd.campus.luth.se) has joined channel 
       <troubled> RandalSchwartz: bah, emacs show. clearly you are trying to 
put some bias into the vi vs. emacs numbers! ;)
       *** patterson (d...@twitirc-ca78e7ea.ca.comcast.net) has joined channel 
       <jacek> Ikon_w I've seen a smuggled copy on a smuggled machine
       *** punchagan (mib...@f055b8.45034d.bea31f.192045) has joined channel 
       <xyz> ? again please
       *** tachikoma (tachik...@twitirc-96e7bcdd.mn.comcast.net) has left 
channel #twitlive: Leaving
       <punchagan> hi all
       *** Pete_NYC (webu...@twitirc-d5d6f4c4.mycingular.net) has joined 
channel #twitlive
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Page closed
[18:33]<Ikon_w> that's OK troubled; vi & emacs both suck
       *** troubled (troub...@moderator.twit.tv) has changed mode for #twitlive 
to -o Ikon_w
       <troubled> ><
       <cwbp> rage!
       *** troubled (troub...@moderator.twit.tv) has changed mode for #twitlive 
to +o Ikon_w
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       <Ikon_w> lol
       <Web4292> lkon_w, I don't know what vi or emacs even are.
       <jacek> Ikon_w true, ed(1) rules
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channel #twitlive
[18:34]<cmpwi> troubled: One of the things I really like Emacs for is that it 
allows me to run Vi inside it. =)
       <cmpwi> troubled: Showed it to a friend that uses Vi the other day and 
the only thing he had to say about it was "you're doing it wrong".
       *** mrpbody64 (webu...@twitirc-bbc6d6c1.callplus.net.nz) has quit: Ping 
timeout: 121 seconds
       <jacek> Web4292 it might be a good idea for you to join a local Linux 
Users Group
[18:35]<Web4292> "Local" Linux Users Group? Local!?
       *** blahblahblah15 (webu...@twitirc-fa6137fa.fios.verizon.net) has quit: 
Ping timeout: 121 seconds
       <cwbp> /usr/local/group
       <jacek> cmpwi well, he was right, you are supposed to run Emacs from vi
       <Ikon_w> jacek, he won't dnload & install Linux, and you expect him to 
actually leave the house??? :)
[18:36]*** MaxVandervelde (maxpowe...@49ee8c.2d54e8.b8456d.68d578) has quit: 
Ping timeout: 121 seconds
       <jacek> Ikon_w yup, I believe in da man
       *** iTech (webu...@twitirc-119f3d62.mi.comcast.net) has joined channel 
       <Web4292> I can leave the house.
       <iTech> What are they talking about?
       <Ikon_w> lol jacek, you're kind of faith is a rare thing these days :)
       *** d_t (d...@twitirc-ac4ac127.sndg02.pacbell.net) has joined channel 
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channel #twitlive
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timeout: 121 seconds
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       *** SL0RD (sid...@twitirc-cd1e0f0d.eastlink.ca) has joined channel 
[18:37]*** KevinH (kevi...@moderator.twit.tv) has joined channel #twitlive
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channel #twitlive
       <bz_g> iTech: talking about Org-mode: http://orgmode.org
       *** wrenny (w...@twitirc-28eb2eda.co.comcast.net) has joined channel 
       <J5_JHallgren> Web4292: have you looked at this 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Randal_Schwartz before? thats who you're chattin 
       *** tom3k (to...@twitirc-6932f296.il.comcast.net) has left channel 
#twitlive: #twitlive
       <iTech> ok thx
[18:38]*** reaverxai (reaver...@twitirc-2222b73a.cable.rogers.com) has joined 
channel #twitlive
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Ping timeout: 121 seconds
       <jacek> Ikon_w he reminds me my younger self when I was trying to join 
the Amiga Developer's program
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http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
       *** ExtraNormal (il...@twitirc-5c75908e.fl.comcast.net) has joined 
channel #twitlive
[18:39]<jacek> Ikon_w made a complete fool of myself
       <Web4292> J5_JHallgren, I'll check it out.
       *** wizetux (wize...@twitirc-92b0f25d.wa.comcast.net) has joined channel 
       <jacek> Ikon_w just like Web4292 is doing today ;-)
[18:40]<jacek> BTW, Web4292 I know how you must feel. If you really don't know 
who Randall is or don't want to do work and yet you want to try Linux, then 
there's a couple of years of learning ahead of you
[18:41]<steveh> jacek: Knowing who Randal is isn't really a prereq for running 
       <Web4292> When you say a couple, you mean like two or three or maybe 
       *** iTech (webu...@twitirc-119f3d62.mi.comcast.net) has quit: Ping 
timeout: 121 seconds
[18:42]<RandalSchwartz> of course I already knew the answer to that
       <jacek> steveh true, but it never hurts to know who Randal is ;-)
[18:43]<steveh> well, it could hurt randal
       <jacek> Web4292 one year of you will lock yourself in the house and 
never leave or go to sleep, four if you wing it on free afternoons
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channel #twitlive
[18:44]*** randy_nacol2002 (naco...@twitirc-f817a400.bkfd14.sbcglobal.net) has 
joined channel #twitlive
       <urgen> ah oh, it came back
       <Ikon_w> Web4292, if you listen to floss you might learn some Perls of 
wisdom :)
       <urgen> :\
[18:45]<Web4292> lkon_w, was that from RandalSchwartz wikipedia page? It says 
that he writes a collum called that.
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121 seconds
       <Ikon_w> I haven't looked at the wiki
       <jacek> Ikon_w I think I might be loosing my faith after all...
       *** dieselboy (diesel...@twitirc-3b9ee182.acanac.net) has quit: Quit: 
Leaving - Follow me @ twitter.com/dieselboy28
       <Ikon_w> hehehe
[18:46]<Sullivan> jacek: why? is it too tight?
       <Ikon_w> oh ye of little faith.....
       <J5_JHallgren> i just used the wiki to quickly give some data about how 
well known he is
       <Web4292> lkon_w, scroll up on the chat to find the link
       <steveh> I'm signed up for a hackathon on the weekend and I appear to be 
the only one there who is going to be using Linux.
       <randy_nacol2002> Ikon_w that could be a famous quote of the day ;)
       <steveh> Strange.
       <Ikon_w> I don't need the link; I've watched Randal for quite a while
[18:47]<jacek> steveh what are the other guys going to use?
       <Ikon_w> macs
       <punchagan> org tables rock!
       <steveh> jacek: Windows and... *sigh* OSX
       <Ikon_w> :)
       <cwbp> ipads
       *** ChrisJones (ch...@47d4c4.19162b.650375.5aade0) has quit: Quit: This 
computer has gone to sleep
       <steveh> Frankly, I don't think the mac users should be admitted.
       <jacek> steveh slackers...
[18:48]<steveh> They're just going ask a lot of questions about how to open 
their text editor and then trim their ironic moustaches.
       <jacek> steveh what are you going to be hacking on?
       <steveh> jacek: Has to do with garbage.
       *** Bgeek (mib...@bf9c09.6c9e1c.3b9e19.a6da4f) has joined channel 
       <Web4292> steveh, I have a Mac Mini
       <steveh> Web4292: Condolences
       <Sullivan> http://theoatmeal.com/comics/apple
[18:49]<jacek> steveh garbage? then the other guys are using the right tools
       <steveh> jacek: It's a web app that will allow people in London to get 
sms reminders the night before the trash is due.
       <jammerb> very cool!
       *** g1cpu (webu...@twitirc-f08e1975.bethere.co.uk) has joined channel 
       <Web4292> steveh, I found some way to get emacs on my Mac through the 
Terminal but I forgot how to get it back.
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channel #twitlive
       <steveh> type emacs
       *** Web2991 (webu...@twitirc-bd8f8bae.client.mchsi.com) has joined 
channel #twitlive
       <Web4292> thank you
       *** Chris_435 (webu...@twitirc-536c7304.ut.comcast.net) has joined 
channel #twitlive
       <jacek> steveh isn't it easier to vote Boris out of the office? ;-)
[18:50]<steveh> the garbage app should be fairly simple to write
       <steveh> it's the data that's going to be the pain
[18:51]<steveh> the garbage dudes have yet to give us the data about how they 
seperate the garbage zones in the city
       <jacek> steveh I can imagine, I'm hacking on an Adroid app that will do 
a lot of data back/forth with a server
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channel #twitlive
       <Web4292> steveh,I typed emacs into Terminal now what can I do now?
[18:52]<steveh> type stuff
       <steveh> then save it
       <steveh> then reopen it
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EOF from client
       *** wisewarrior (webu...@twitirc-4a6e5cb0.hclib.org) has joined channel 
       <Dustin> or just drag emacs to the trash can where it belongs
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Quit: Page closed
[18:53]<RandalSchwartz> I am watching this channel for questions
       <wisewarrior> hi randal
       <Chris_435> I still have an emac that the kids use.
       <punchagan> how does something get into the contrib of emacs and then 
move into the main source of org-mode?
       *** iPad_40911 (webu...@twitirc-09c60a6b.bethere.co.uk) has quit: Ping 
timeout: 121 seconds
       <jacek> RandalSchwartz is it possible to get ePub and LaTeX out that 
       <Web4292> steveh, how do I save in Terminal, I can't find Save under the 
file menu.
       <RandalSchwartz> he just said that yes
[18:54]<Web4292> Steveh, I meant Shell menu
       <jacek> RandalSchwartz I might try Emacs again then... haven't done so 
in like 20 years, but I just might do it
[18:55]<troubled> jacek: whats the worst that can happen? you get RSI from all 
their meta key combos? :)
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channel #twitlive
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timeout: 121 seconds
       <jacek> troubled I'm afraid I get lost in a dark one-way alley with 
Eliza mode on
[18:56]<Ikon_w> lol
       <troubled> heh
       <jammerb> like a kitchen sink  :-)
       <Ikon_w> y0u have been eaten by a grue
       *** itsdahoot (mib...@twitirc-b7809294.res.rr.com) has quit: Quit: 
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
       <troubled> Ikon_w: heh
       <bz_g> Stats of Org-mode mailing list: 
       *** iPad_dave (webu...@twitirc-0c5c5ce7.co.comcast.net) has joined 
channel #twitlive
       *** iPhone_15506 (mib...@twitirc-3ccbbc38.mi.comcast.net) has joined 
channel #twitlive
[18:57]<bz_g> The Community documentation is here: http://orgmode.org/worg/
       *** Ikon_w (i...@49ee8c.6ec60d.0c05b8.610d80) has quit: Quit: I'm not 
gonna stand for it anymore....  I QUIT! 
       <jacek> on a serious note, if I found a tool that lets me write once and 
publish in many formats, I'd die a happy man
       <wisewarrior> Q: How many surrealists does it take to change a light 
bulb?  A: Two--one to hold the giraffe, and the other to fill the  bathtub with 
brightly colored machine tools.
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Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
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       *** MaxVandervelde (maxpowe...@twitirc-6aa6a387.mn.comcast.net) has 
joined channel #twitlive
[18:58]*** White667 
(white_dw...@twitirc-9ad88b4e.range86-180.btcentralplus.com) has quit: Quit: - 
       <punchagan> RandalSchwartz: with such a huge user base, do you think 
having a "meet-up" or event where all the Org-ers come together would be good? 
possible to happen sometime soon?
       <RandalSchwartz> good question
[18:59]*** Web7920 (webu...@twitirc-7349a420.dsl-w.verizon.net) has joined 
channel #twitlive
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has joined channel #twitlive
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[19:00]*** Web535 (webu...@95565f.2c1fd5.4da7c4.5d0144) has quit: Quit: Page 
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       <wisewarrior> i used emacs in school a little last year, 
       <jacek> I checked Org Babel... pity there's no Lout, Objective-C or Java 
[19:01]*** MoonUnit` (m...@3606ee.aee9b3.cb719d.a7f3eb) has joined channel 
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       <jacek> and no Lua...
       *** MoonUnit (m...@3606ee.aee9b3.cb719d.a7f3eb) has quit: EOF from client
       <bz_g> punchagan: I think that would be *great*.  Not sure how hard it 
would be to organize though.
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[19:02]*** iPad_50972 (webu...@twitirc-e640b211.ga.comcast.net) has joined 
channel #twitlive
       <punchagan> RandalSchwartz: do you use GTD? how do you integrate stuff 
that you get done or are reminded of, when you are not in front of your emacs 
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timeout: 121 seconds
       <Web4292> I've heard of Lua. That was used to create Lightroom from 
Adobe, I think.
       <RandalSchwartz> Iu use omnifocus
[19:03]<punchagan> bz_g: yes. we are all over the world. :)
       <jacek> I use omnifocus and evernote
       *** auburnfan99 (mib...@ed3d63.3b8596.aeb00a.4de15f) has joined channel 
       <jacek> Web4292 Lua is very popular in the game dev communities
[19:04]<Web4292> jacek, does that mean that I might have a PS3 game that was 
developed with the use of Lua scripting?
       <jacek> Web4292 could be
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[19:05]*** Bgeek (mib...@bf9c09.6c9e1c.3b9e19.a6da4f) has quit: Quit: 
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
       <Web4292> Is Lua open source?
       <jacek> RandalSchwartz have you tried TaskPaper? There is a Vim mode...
       <jacek> Web4292 sure is http://www.lua.org/
       <bz_g> About planning: Org also exports to TaskJuggler : 
       <jacek> and ther is a Mac OS X app called TaskPaper
[19:06]*** gm2010 (gm2...@twitirc-3f850982.ma.comcast.net) has joined channel 
       <punchagan> yes. emacs mailing list rocks!
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timeout: 121 seconds
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quit: Ping timeout: 121 seconds
       <jacek> RMS got involved? Ouch!
       *** smartfix (webu...@ed3d63.3b8596.aeb00a.af36b0) has joined channel 
[19:07]<wisewarrior> Richard Stallman's Personal Home Page   
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timeout: 121 seconds
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[19:08]*** Web1119 (webu...@twitirc-de56e87c.cable.rogers.com) has joined 
channel #twitlive
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http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
       *** robert_ (robe...@twitirc-7a52ceaf.fios.verizon.net) has joined 
channel #twitlive
       <wisewarrior> this is a little 
       *** Web1119 (webu...@twitirc-de56e87c.cable.rogers.com) has quit: Quit: 
Page closed
[19:09]*** Andrew (and...@twitirc-788857b2.nh.comcast.net) has joined channel 
       <bz_g> Big secret: I'm working on a Org<->patchwork interface...
       *** Andrew (and...@twitirc-788857b2.nh.comcast.net) is now known as 
       <jacek> RandalSchwartz are using MobileMe to sync OmniFocus or your own 
WebDAV server?
       <punchagan> bz_g: awesome. 
       ERC> /whois punchagan 
       *** punchagan is http://www.mibbit.com 
       *** punchagan is on channel(s): #twitlive 
       *** punchagan is/was on server irc.twit.tv (TWiT IRC)
       *** punchagan has been idle for 00:00.09, on since 18:32:19 2010/09/22
       *** carbondated_ (carbonda...@twitirc-70306dd3.cable.rogers.com) has 
quit: Ping timeout: 121 seconds
[19:10]* punchagan loves the org-mode community too!
       <Web4292> jacek, you just said a bunch of stuff to make my head nearly 
       <madalu> bz_g: wow. looking forward to that.
       *** carbondated_ (carbonda...@twitirc-70306dd3.cable.rogers.com) has 
joined channel #twitlive
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       *** Universal (univer...@9619f4.f1f910.4ede58.d2a9d8) has joined channel 
[19:11]*** smartfix (webu...@ed3d63.3b8596.aeb00a.af36b0) has quit: Ping 
timeout: 121 seconds
       *** psych4 (x...@twitirc-f539cc6a.adam.com.au) has joined channel 
       *** randy_nacol2002 (naco...@twitirc-216d9822.bkfd14.pacbell.net) has 
joined channel #twitlive
       <jacek> Web4292 sorry about that, didn't mean to hurt ya
       *** Web1299 (webu...@19ed5a.c1e37e.c7c0cb.23b635) has quit: Quit: Page 
[19:12]*** iPhonegeek (webu...@twitirc-38854345.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) has joined 
channel #twitlive
       <Web4292> That's OK, I'm using emacs as kind of like a notepad to write 
this stuff down to look it up later. Also, where is the file menu? I only see 
       *** iPhone_76159 (mib...@ed3d63.baaf04.add5d5.413bfc) has quit: Quit: 
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[19:13]*** leofan (webu...@twitirc-8e96462d.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) has joined 
channel #twitlive
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channel #twitlive
       <bz_g> Good idea: check the Donate button on http://orgmode.org :)
[19:14]*** AndrewC (and...@twitirc-788857b2.nh.comcast.net) has left channel 
#twitlive: #twitlive
       <rorx> Emacs is an environment.
       <punchagan> :)
       <KevinH|work> leofan, please change your nickname to something that does 
not contain a hosts name or show name, as to not cause confusion, you can 
either refresh your browser or type /nick NEWNAME to do it.  thanks
       *** mattjd (mat...@twitirc-a3f34cea.bb.sky.com) has joined channel 
       *** Randy2000 (webu...@twitirc-49b45607.wp.shawcable.net) has quit: Ping 
timeout: 121 seconds
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[19:15]*** QwertyToo (justinjh...@twitirc-8abbf7f7.wi.charter.com) has joined 
channel #twitlive
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Quit: Page closed
       <jacek> they meet in emacs ;-)
       <jacek> meet mode on
       <jacek> ;-)
       *** sjefen6 (quas...@twitirc-8f359fa3.stdby.hin.no) has joined channel 
       *** sjefen6 (quas...@twitirc-8f359fa3.stdby.hin.no) has quit: Changing 
       *** sjefen6 (quas...@pc5128.stdby.hin.no) has joined channel #twitlive
[19:16]*** macfan (webu...@twitirc-8e96462d.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) has joined 
channel #twitlive
       *** Web4599 (webu...@twitirc-567e4b71.medirexsys.com) has joined channel 
       <bz_g> Actually we have had two or three informal small meetings with 
Orgers in France during the last months.
       <troubled> lol
       <rorx> haha
       * troubled cries foul!
       <rorx> yep emacs is so much more.
       <urlwallace> troubled! hi!
       *** cr (c...@twitirc-13ced7ad.sd.cox.net) has quit: EOF from client
       <troubled> url!
       *** iPhonegeek (webu...@twitirc-38854345.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) has quit: 
Ping timeout: 121 seconds
       <urlwallace> (:
       <jacek> I admire those who use Emacs
[19:17]<jacek> I honestly do
       *** ChrisJones (ch...@47d4c4.19162b.650375.5aade0) has quit: Quit: This 
computer has gone to sleep
       *** JasonMasque13 (jasonmas...@twitirc-a1e1ff3a.hr.cox.net) has joined 
channel #twitlive
       <punchagan> yay! Carsten! thanks for the wonderful org-mode!
       <bz_g> indeed - thanks!
       <jacek> Carsten, thanks!
       <JasonMasque13> awesome project
       <madalu> Many many thanks!
[19:18]<jacek> I will recommed Org mode to a couple of my Emacs-loving frineds
       *** dagimar (webu...@twitirc-120eeb46.client.mchsi.com) has quit: Ping 
timeout: 121 seconds
       *** kerfuffle (p2h...@twitirc-6d049432.superkabel.de) has joined channel 
[19:19]*** macfan (webu...@twitirc-8e96462d.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) has quit: 
Quit: Page closed
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channel #twitlive
       *** h (h...@twitirc-e77136f1.cable.virginmedia.com) has joined channel 
       <cmpwi> Thanks
       <punchagan> thanks RandalSchwartz for the great interview!
       *** bitgravity (amoen...@1faa22.5cccd4.b4bb74.7f5642) has quit: 
Connection closed
       *** msheathen__ (msheat...@twitirc-ff4e1a46.res.rr.com) is now known as 
[19:20]*** bitgravity (amoen...@twitirc-6e13dc50.sfo1.bitgravity.com) has 
joined channel #twitlive
       *** MaxVandervelde (maxpowe...@twitirc-6aa6a387.mn.comcast.net) has 
quit: Ping timeout: 121 seconds
       <urlwallace> thanks  RandalSchwartz
[19:21]*** madalu (u...@twitirc-0fe012f8.cm.comporium.net) has quit: Quit: 
rcirc on GNU Emacs
       *** Web8066 (webu...@twitirc-f96b1894.science.uva.nl) has joined channel 
       <jacek> yes! Bring Jono back!
       *** msheathen_ (msheat...@twitirc-ff4e1a46.res.rr.com) has quit: Ping 
timeout: 121 seconds
       *** Andrewccm (webu...@twitirc-7908097c.res.rr.com) has joined channel 
       <wisewarrior> yay randal
[19:22]<Andrewccm> Loving the new twit pad app!
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