John Hendy <> writes:

> Hi,
> Is it possible to "fold" the preamble (#+latex_header, #+options, etc.)
> under a first header? Mine get rather long, especially for Beamer documents.
> I just attempted it and it appears to work, but I wanted to know if anyone
> else has tried this and succeeded or if there are any things to watch out
> for.

Hi John,

I do this rotutinely without problems. I put all my #+ lines under a
heading named something like "Org config" and tagged with :noexport:. I
put it at the end of the file, where it is out of the way.

In fact I will stick my neck out and suggest that that should be the
norm for Worg files; in my opinion it is very ugly to start off a file
with a mass of technical configuration lines starting #+. The title,
author and date should be there; not most of the other stuff. Org is
about focusing on content.


> Currently I have:
> -------
> * Preamble                        :noexport:
> #+latex_class: beamer
> #+author: John Hendy
> #+date: \today
> #+startup: beamer
> #+options: toc:nil latex:t tex:t
> #+latex_class_options: [presentation]
> #+beamer_frame_level: 2
> #+beamer_header_extra: \usetheme{default}
> #+latex_header: \usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{xcolor}
> #+latex_header: \usepackage{tikz,ifthen}
> #+latex_header: \usetikzlibrary{decorations,arrows,automata,positioning}
> #+latex_header: \usepackage{setspace}
> #+latex_header: \setstretch{1.3}
> #+latex_header: \usepackage{MinionPro}
> #+latex_header: \renewcommand{\sfdefault{Myriad-LF}}
> \AtBeginSection[]{
> \begin{frame}<beamer>
> \frametitle{Outline}
> \tableofcontents[currentsection]
> \end{frame}}

I don't think that bit of LaTeX code is going to make it into your
exported output, because the heading is tagged :noexport:. The #+ lines
are fine though.


> #+title: Title
> * First actual heading...
> ----------
> The output looks fine... are there any foreseeable issues with this?
> John
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