Hi Eric,

There is a file in worg called org-color-themes.org, which contains your colour 
theme (railscast). However, it's not referenced by any of the other worg pages, 
so you couldn't find it if you didn't know it existed! There is a short bit on 
org-appearance.pgp about colour themes. I am adding the notes for all the 
colour themes to this page and am creating a new page to host the screen shots.

I want to put the screenshots on another page, so they don't slow down loading 
the org-appearance page. Also I want to display 200 pixel wide screen 
thumbnails and use the Lightbox javascript library to allow the user to see a 
full size popup. This involves quite a bit of fiddling about to get the page to 
look right and I don't want to mess up the appreance of org-appearance!

Best wishes,


"Eric Schulte" <schulte.e...@gmail.com> writes:

> Ian Barton <i...@manor-farm.org> writes:
>> Scott Jaderholm <jaderh...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> http://jaderholm.com/color-themes/color-theme-colorful-obsolescence.el
>>> http://jaderholm.com/color-themes/color-theme-active.el
>>> http://jaderholm.com/color-themes/color-theme-wombat.el
>>> Please link to don't copy so that as I make changes they'll get updated.
>>> Scott
>>  >
>> Scott,
>> Thanks for the references to your other themes. I'll make sure that I
>> link to them instead of copying them.
> Hi Ian,
> I've previously posted my color theme to the following.
> http://orgmode.org/worg/org-color-themes.php
> Is there another worg page with a collection of color themes?
> Best -- Eric

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