Hi Sebastian,

you should now be able to use `C-u R' to achieve this.
The lighter in the mode line will then switch from "Clock" to "Clock{}",
and the current tags filtering should apply to the clock table in the

Please test this and report back.


- Carsten

On Oct 27, 2010, at 9:40 AM, Sébastien Vauban wrote:


Here is a minimal example for comments about the agenda filtering applied on
the clock report of logged activities.

* Work :work :

** Client A

*** DONE Work on offer
   CLOCK: [2010-09-30 Thu 09:12]--[2010-09-30 Thu 12:35] =>  3:23

** Client B

*** DONE Developed SQL scripts
   CLOCK: [2010-09-30 Thu 13:20]--[2010-09-30 Thu 18:06] =>  4:46

* Personal :home:
 :CATEGORY: Personal

** DONE Lunch with Mary
  CLOCK: [2010-09-30 Thu 19:49]--[2010-09-30 Thu 21:55] =>  2:06

* Clock report

** Without tag filtering

- C-c a a :: Show the agenda.
- v d :: Switch to day view.
- b :: Go backward in time to display yesterday.
- l :: Toggle Logbook mode.
- R :: Toggle Clockreport mode.

:                8:00-09:00 ________
: Work: 9:12-12:35 Clocked: (3:23) DONE Work on offer :work::
:               10:00-11:00 ________
:               12:00-13:00 ________
: Work: 13:20-18:06 Clocked: (4:46) DONE Developed SQL scripts :work::
:               14:00-15:00 ________
:               16:00-17:00 ________
:               18:00-19:00 ________
: Personal: 19:49-21:55 Clocked: (2:06) DONE Lunch with Mary :home::
:               20:00-21:00 ________
:               22:00-23:00 ________
: | File             | L | Headline             | Time    |      |
: |------------------+---+----------------------+---------+------|
: |                  |   | *Total time*         | *10:15* |      |
: |------------------+---+----------------------+---------+------|
: | Clock-Report.org |   | *File time*          | *10:15* |      |
: | Clock-Report.org | 1 | Work                 | 8:09    |      |
: | Clock-Report.org | 2 | Client A             |         | 3:23 |
: | Clock-Report.org | 2 | Client B             |         | 4:46 |
: | Clock-Report.org | 1 | Personal             | 2:06    |      |
: | Clock-Report.org | 2 | DONE Lunch with Mary |         | 2:06 |

** With tag filtering

- / w :: filter on tag "work (w)".

:                8:00-09:00 ________
: Work: 9:12-12:35 Clocked: (3:23) DONE Work on offer :work::
:               10:00-11:00 ________
:               12:00-13:00 ________
: Work: 13:20-18:06 Clocked: (4:46) DONE Developed SQL scripts :work::
:               14:00-15:00 ________
:               16:00-17:00 ________
:               18:00-19:00 ________
:               20:00-21:00 ________
:               22:00-23:00 ________
: | File             | L | Headline             | Time    |      |
: |------------------+---+----------------------+---------+------|
: |                  |   | *Total time*         | *10:15* |      |
: |------------------+---+----------------------+---------+------|
: | Clock-Report.org |   | *File time*          | *10:15* |      |
: | Clock-Report.org | 1 | Work                 | 8:09    |      |
: | Clock-Report.org | 2 | Client A             |         | 3:23 |
: | Clock-Report.org | 2 | Client B             |         | 4:46 |
: | Clock-Report.org | 1 | Personal             | 2:06    |      |
: | Clock-Report.org | 2 | DONE Lunch with Mary |         | 2:06 |

I don't see anymore the lines that have nothing to do with my job. Though, I
still see the associated time in the clock report under...

Regenerating it (by disabling it and re-enabling it) does not change anything:
still there.

For sure, this can _not_ be considered as a bug. Nobody never said this should
work like I (now) expect.

Though, I guess such a feature would be benefitial for everybody -- as I don't see any reason for having the tag filtering only work with the diary view, and
not with the clock report under.

Best regards,

Sébastien Vauban

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- Carsten

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