Am a novice, and just trying my first src emacs lisp.   
Can a results output be included in the middle of a line of text ? 

I've looked through section 14 of the manual. Perhaps the entire 
line must be "concat"ed into the one composite line needed. 

See the "quick brown fox" example below, with src result plonked 
in the middle. 

Also,  is there a switch on setting to avoid the 
"Evaluate this Lisp code on your system?  (yes or no)"
questions being asked at export - to always answer yes to this ? 

* test

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports results
  (format-time-string "%a %e %b %Y ")

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports none
(defun pt ()
  (format-time-string "%a %e %b %Y "))

The quick brown fox jumps 
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports results
over the lazy dog.

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