Hi again,

I write you again, perhaps this time somebody can help me solve the problem.

Suppose I have a list like this

* TODO vĂȘtements [0/0]                               :total:
  :total:     0

  - pour week end
   - [ ] X    30
   - [X] Y    80
   - [ ] Z    100
   - [ ] W   20
  - pour les loisirs
   - [X] X   30
   - [ ] Y  80
   - [ ] Z   10
  - pour la maison:
   - [ ] pantoufle 25

I want to add all values of the fields that are crossed and keep the sum
into the value of the property 'total'. Is it possible to do it using org
mode ? I looked over many documents, but not found.

Other problem, suppose I have this table inside the same file.

    |   | quoi  |    prix |
    |   | X     |     500 |
    |   | Y     |     700 |
    |   | Z     |     100 |
    |   | W     |     100 |
    |   | T     |     100 |
    | # | Total |    1500 |
    | ^ |       | montant |
  #+TBLFM: $montant='(+ @i...@ii);N

I wish to sum the value of the variable $montant with the value of the
property 'total' from the other part (from the list), and use the result in
other computations.

Are these things possible using org mode ?

I looked today over some examples of babel language, but I did not find what
I need.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Alin Soare.

2010/11/7 Alin Soare <as1...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I have been using org mode for a few days and I am impressed.
> I have followed a few tutorials and videos, however I want to solve a
> problem and I did not find how can I do it.
> I have 2 tables , and every such table has a variable $sum, that is the sum
> of a column. Because I am lisp engineer, I used the formula '(+ @i...@ii);N
> to compute it, I prefer lisp to calc.
> My problems are
> 1: to export the value of the $sum from one table, and make global
> computations using it
> 2: to compute the value of some property in function of such variables,
> defined inside tables.
> Afterwards, can I compute the value of a property in function of the value
> of other properties ?
> Probably my question is stupid, I do not know, because I did not understand
> yet the principles of properties of org mode.
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