Dear all,

I would like to update my list with acknowledgements in the
Org manual.  This list is supposed to include people who have
either made a decisive contribution in a certain area (like
an initial proposal, a clever idea), or who have helped
improve org (either an area, or as a whole) with consistent
contributions, reports, testing.  It should also list people
who have written one of the packages (files, also in contrib).
I have the feeling that this list is not complete enough.

So I would like to ask you to look through this list and
tell me if you can suggest additions.  This may include
your own contribution if you think it fits.  If you
don't want to suggest yourself in front of the Org-mode
crowd, write to me privately.

If someone has a little time at his/her hands, a good exercise
would be to check all the authors of all the lisp files
in Org (including contrib) and to match that against the
acknowledgement list, and compile me a list of omissions.
If you want to do this, announce it here on the list so that
we avoid double work.

I am attaching the current list below.


- Carsten

  * Russel Adams came up with the idea for drawers.

  * Thomas Baumann wrote `org-bbdb.el' and `org-mhe.el'.

  * Christophe Bataillon created the great unicorn logo that we use on
    the Org-mode website.

  * Alex Bochannek provided a patch for rounding timestamps.

  * Jan Böcker wrote `org-docview.el'.

  * Brad Bozarth showed how to pull RSS feed data into Org-mode files.

  * Tom Breton wrote `org-choose.el'.

  * Charles Cave's suggestion sparked the implementation of templates
    for Remember, which are now templates for capture.

  * Pavel Chalmoviansky influenced the agenda treatment of items with
    specified time.

  * Gregory Chernov patched support for Lisp forms into table
    calculations and improved XEmacs compatibility, in particular by
    porting `nouline.el' to XEmacs.

  * Sacha Chua suggested copying some linking code from Planner.

  * Baoqiu Cui contributed the DocBook exporter.

  * Eddward DeVilla proposed and tested checkbox statistics.  He also
    came up with the idea of properties, and that there should be an
    API for them.

  * Nick Dokos tracked down several nasty bugs.

  * Kees Dullemond used to edit projects lists directly in HTML and so
    inspired some of the early development, including HTML export.  He
    also asked for a way to narrow wide table columns.

  * Thomas S. Dye contributed documentation on Worg and helped
    integrating the Org-Babel documentation into the manual.

  * Christian Egli converted the documentation into Texinfo format,
    patched CSS formatting into the HTML exporter, and inspired the

  * David Emery provided a patch for custom CSS support in exported
    HTML agendas.

  * Nic Ferrier contributed mailcap and XOXO support.

  * Miguel A. Figueroa-Villanueva implemented hierarchical checkboxes.

  * John Foerch figured out how to make incremental search show context
    around a match in a hidden outline tree.

  * Raimar Finken wrote `org-git-line.el'.

  * Mikael Fornius works as a mailing list moderator.

  * Austin Frank works as a mailing list moderator.

  * Eric Fraga drove the development of BEAMER export with ideas and

  * Niels Giesen had the idea to automatically archive DONE trees.

  * Nicolas Goaziou rewrote much of the plain list code.

  * Kai Grossjohann pointed out key-binding conflicts with other

  * Bernt Hansen has driven much of the support for auto-repeating
    tasks, task state change logging, and the clocktable.  His clear
    explanations have been critical when we started to adopt the Git
    version control system.

  * Manuel Hermenegildo has contributed various ideas, small fixes and

  * Phil Jackson wrote `org-irc.el'.

  * Scott Jaderholm proposed footnotes, control over whitespace between
    folded entries, and column view for properties.

  * Matt Jones wrote MobileOrg Android.

  * Tokuya Kameshima wrote `org-wl.el' and `org-mew.el'.

  * Shidai Liu ("Leo") asked for embedded LaTeX and tested it.  He also
    provided frequent feedback and some patches.

  * Matt Lundin has proposed last-row references for table formulas
    and named invisible anchors.  He has also worked a lot on the FAQ.

  * David Maus wrote `org-atom.el', maintains the issues file for Org,
    and is a prolific contributor on the mailing list with competent
    replies, small fixes and patches.

  * Jason F. McBrayer suggested agenda export to CSV format.

  * Max Mikhanosha came up with the idea of refiling.

  * Dmitri Minaev sent a patch to set priority limits on a per-file

  * Stefan Monnier provided a patch to keep the Emacs-Lisp compiler

  * Richard Moreland wrote MobileOrg for the iPhone.

  * Rick Moynihan proposed allowing multiple TODO sequences in a file
    and being able to quickly restrict the agenda to a subtree.

  * Todd Neal provided patches for links to Info files and Elisp forms.

  * Greg Newman refreshed the unicorn logo into its current form.

  * Tim O'Callaghan suggested in-file links, search options for general
    file links, and TAGS.

  * Osamu Okano wrote `', a perl program to create a text
    version of the reference card.

  * Takeshi Okano translated the manual and David O'Toole's tutorial
    into Japanese.

  * Oliver Oppitz suggested multi-state TODO items.

  * Scott Otterson sparked the introduction of descriptive text for
    links, among other things.

  * Pete Phillips helped during the development of the TAGS feature,
    and provided frequent feedback.

  * Martin Pohlack provided the code snippet to bundle character
    insertion into bundles of 20 for undo.

  * T.V. Raman reported bugs and suggested improvements.

  * Matthias Rempe (Oelde) provided ideas, Windows support, and quality

  * Paul Rivier provided the basic implementation of named footnotes.
    He also acted as mailing list moderator for some time.

  * Kevin Rogers contributed code to access VM files on remote hosts.

  * Frank Ruell solved the mystery of the `keymapp nil' bug, a
    conflict with `allout.el'.

  * Jason Riedy generalized the send-receive mechanism for Orgtbl
    tables with extensive patches.

  * Philip Rooke created the Org reference card, provided lots of
    feedback, developed and applied standards to the Org documentation.

  * Christian Schlauer proposed angular brackets around links, among
    other things.

  * Paul Sexton wrote `org-ctags.el'.

  * Linking to VM/BBDB/Gnus was first inspired by Tom Shannon's

  * Ilya Shlyakhter proposed the Archive Sibling, line numbering in
    literal examples, and remote highlighting for referenced code

  * Stathis Sideris wrote the `ditaa.jar' ASCII to PNG converter that
    is now packaged into Org's `contrib' directory.

  * Daniel Sinder came up with the idea of internal archiving by
    locking subtrees.

  * Dale Smith proposed link abbreviations.

  * James TD Smith has contributed a large number of patches for useful
    tweaks and features.

  * Adam Spiers asked for global linking commands, inspired the link
    extension system, added support for mairix, and proposed the
    mapping API.

  * Ulf Stegemann created the table to translate special symbols to
    HTML, LaTeX, UTF-8, Latin-1 and ASCII.

  * Andy Stewart contributed code to `org-w3m.el', to copy HTML content
    with links transformation to Org syntax.

  * David O'Toole wrote `org-publish.el' and drafted the manual
    chapter about publishing.

  * Sebastien Vauban reported many issues with LaTeX and BEAMER export.

  * Stefan Vollmar organized a video-recorded talk at the
    Max-Planck-Institute for Neurology.  He also inspired the creation
    of a concept index for HTML export.

  * Ju"rgen Vollmer contributed code generating the table of contents
    in HTML output.

  * Samuel Wales has provided important feedback and bug reports.

  * Chris Wallace provided a patch implementing the `QUOTE' keyword.

  * David Wainberg suggested archiving, and improvements to the linking

  * Carsten Wimmer suggested some changes and helped fix a bug in
    linking to Gnus.

  * Roland Winkler requested additional key bindings to make Org work
    on a tty.

  * Piotr Zielinski wrote `org-mouse.el', proposed agenda blocks and
    contributed various ideas and code snippets.

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