Hi all,

I've just recently began using emacs and org-mode, and I'm already in
love. So, first, let me thank and congratulate Mr. Dominik and
everyone else involved.

Now, I have two questions about the :VISIBILITY: property. (I did find
some info on the archives but, unless I misinterpreted it, I think
this is a different matter.)

What I want to do, basically, is to replicate a cool functionality
from Scrivener, a Mac app for writing long documents. Scrivener can
associate a synopsis with each chunk of text, allowing you to
reorganize the structure based on the synopsis. Org-mode seems
perfectly capable of doing that using the following setup:

* Chapter 1
  :VISIBILITY: children

  The synopses for chapter 1 goes here.

** Section 1 (Ch.1)
   The actual text for Section 1 of Chapter 1.

** Section 2 (Ch.1)
   The actual text for Section 2 of Chapter 1.

And so on.

The "children" property allows me to press C-u C-u <TAB> to show only
the synopsis and the headlines inside the chapters -- which is exactly
what I want.

But here's the thing: if I decide to put "Chapter 1" /after/ "Chapter
2", using M-Down or M-S-Down, it gets moved alright -- but the entire
Chapter 1 subtree is expanded. I no longer see only the headlines
inside it, but also the entire text inside them. Is this by design? If
so, why? It seems to me that the :VISIBILITY: property should hold
when moving trees around.

That was the first issue. The second is:

The :VISIBILITY: property seems to work only when it's applied to
level 1 trees. For example, say I have this:

* Part 1

** Chapter 1
  :VISIBILITY: children

  Synopsis for Chapter 1 goes here.

*** Section 1 (Ch.1)
    The actual text for Section 1 of Chapter 1.

** Chapter 2
  :VISIBILITY: children

  Synopsis for Chapter 2 goes here.

*** Section 1 (Ch.2)
    The actual text for Section 1 of Chapter 2.

When I press C-u C-u <TAB>, only Chapter 1 gets expanded correctly
(synopsis + headlines inside it). Chapter 2 stays completely folded
("Chapter 2..."), without any children or content shown -- effectively
ignoring the "children" property, or acting as it was set to "folded".
I guess this wasn't supposed to happen, right?

Any help on these matters would be much appreciated. Also, if anyone
knows of a better way to accomplish what I'm trying to do, please tell
me. I experimented with a :SYNOPSIS: drawer, but it didn't seem
adequate. There's no way of showing only the drawer and hiding
everything else (which makes sense, since the drawers were made to
hide content, so I'm not saying this should be an option).

I'm using yesterday's snapshot from the repository, so I'm pretty much
up to date. Emacs 23.2 on a Mac OS X 10.6.5.


Cássio Koshikumo

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