[Resending to the list: I got bitten by my old server verification nemesis.
 Hope this makes it. Apologies to Herb for the duplicates.]

Herbert Sitz <hs...@nwlink.com> wrote:

> I'm trying to call a function in an Emacs server to export a file to PDF usin
> the following command:
> "c:\program files (x86)\emacs\emacs\bin\emacs.exe" -batch --visit=[myfile]
> --funcall org-export-as-pdf
> It works okay but it doesn't seem to use the default latex class that I've
> defined in my .emacs.  I can alter the LaTeX output by embedding #+LATEX_HEAD
> lines in my file, but those come after the \documentclass command and all the
> other default preamble lines Emacs is inserting.
> Printing from the same Emacs instance directly does seem to use the .emacs
> configuration for LaTeX-related variables.
> So I have a couple of questions.
> (1)  Is behavior I'm seeing expected?  That is, when I call org-export-as-pdf
> remotely it ignores settings in the .emacs file?

Yes, --batch implies -q, so you have to load your .emacs explicitly (or perhaps
strip it down to its essentials and create a minimal .emacs for such a use).

See appendix C.2 of the emacs manual:

  (info "(emacs)Initial Options")

> (2)  Is best workaround to just alter the default LaTeX class definitions in
> org-latex.el?

Probably not: try

  emacs --batch --load $HOME/minimal.emacs --visit <file> --funcall 

(well, translated into whatever Windows needs).


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