
Sorry about my absence from this thread, I've run into a very busy week
and haven't been able to give this topic the attention it requires.

Many thanks to everyone who has given feedback, I've just finished
folding in your comments (updated copies of the .org and .pdf are now at
the original links below) and everything from misspellings to higher
level questions and suggestions were very helpful.

I'll respond to a couple of specific questions in separate threads,
however the question of venue seems to be of global interest so I'll
address that here.

The reproducible research community seems to be composed of a number of
only partially overlapping sub-communities, of these the ones of which I
am aware include biologists, physicists, economists, and statisticians.
I am not aware of any "reproducible research" publication which has
visibility into all of these sub-communities.  One of the only unifying
elements of the practice of Reproducible Research as I am aware of it is
the dominance of R and Sweave as the tools of choice.  Given these
points submitting a general paper to a journal (like JSS) with a history
of publishing RR and Sweave articles seems like a good bet.  Also JSS
has some very nice features like the fact that both the .pdf and .org
files comprising the paper could be made freely available for download
(I haven't talked to anyone at JSS, but this seems to be their policy).

It is very possible that there does exist a more appropriate venue,
however none that I have seen seem to hold significantly more promise
than JSS.  It may be the case that no single publication can
sufficiently introduce Babel (this is certainly true for Org-mode at
large), however hopefully this will serve as a good start, perhaps later
to be supplemented with smaller publications in venues targeting other

Thanks again for all the great feedback -- Eric

"Eric Schulte" <schulte.e...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi,
> Dan Davison, Tom Dye, Carsten Dominik and myself have been working on a
> paper introducing Org-mode's code block functionality.  We plan to
> submit this paper to the Journal of Statistical Software.  As both
> Org-mode and the code block functionality are largely products of this
> mailing list community, and in the spirit of an open peer review process
> we are releasing the current draft of the paper here to solicit your
> review and comments.
> Both the .org and .pdf formats of the paper are available at the
> following locations.
> http://cs.unm.edu/~eschulte/org-paper/babel.org
> http://cs.unm.edu/~eschulte/org-paper/babel.pdf
> Thanks -- Eric

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