On Dec 10, 2010, at 7:19 AM, Ali Tofigh wrote:

Hi everyone,

A while ago I asked on this list about connecting org-mode with ebib,
which is a bibtex database manager for emacs. Thanks to Joost Kremers,
there is now a solution.

I asked the developer of ebib, Joost Kremers, if he could write a
function that would start ebib on a given bibtex entry. He kindly
added this functionality to the 'ebib' function (which starts ebib in
emacs) and it is now available in the ebib git repository (see
http://ebib.sourceforge.net). If you are using ebib and would like to
get org-mode to open bibtex entries do the following:

1) Install the latest development version of ebib.

2) make sure ebib-preload-bib-files is set properly so that your .bib
file is loaded by ebib when ebib starts

3) add the following lines to your .emacs:
(org-add-link-type "ebib" 'ebib)

Now you can insert ebib links in your documents like this:
[[ebib:Jones1998][some paper title]]. Opening this link should now
result in ebib starting, loading your default bibtex database, and
highlighting the bibtex entry Jones1998. Alternatively, if you already
have started ebib, then opening the link will get you to the bibtex
entry in your opened ebib database.

/Ali Tofigh

Aloha /Ali Tofigh,

Thanks very much for this.  It is a nice addition to Org-mode.

Now it is also possible to add link types for LaTeX citation macros, as the following link type for one of the natbib citation macros:

   "citep" 'ebib
   (lambda (path desc format)
      ((eq format 'latex)
       (format "\\citep[%s]{%s}" desc path)))))

A link like [[citep:jones][35]] will export this to LaTeX:

And of course the link will jump to the bibtex entry with a single click.

Thanks again for making this happen.

All the best,

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