I am able to reproduce this error when evaluating a latex code block, so
for example

#+begin_src org :results latex :results replace
  ,- eric
  ,- schulte

\item schulte

This is due to the fact that org mode code blocks in the presence of
":results latex" or ":results html" will actually convert their contents
to the requested language using Org-mode's export mechanism.  I believe
that in this case the latex exporter wants the first line of the code
block to be used as a title.  I've just pushed up a patch which pads the
first line of org-mode code blocks with an empty title during latex

Best -- Eric

Chris Malone <chris.m.mal...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi Seb,
> I can't say that I understand the problem, but I can reproduce it - any line 
> right after the #+begin_src org :results latex is being
> stripped upon tangle.? Not sure if it helps or not, but I'm using org-mode 
> version 7.3 =release_7.3.89.g97f4c.dirty= with emacs
> 22.2.1.
> Chris
> 2010/12/8 S?bastien Vauban <wxhgmqzgw...@spammotel.com>
>     #+TITLE: ? ? Isodoc letter (to be tangled to LaTeX file)
>     #+DATE: ? ? ?2010-12-08
>     #+LANGUAGE: ?fr_FR
>     Right now, this letter *must be tangled* and post-processed via 
> =PDFLaTeX=. It
>     can't be exported directly to PDF/HTML (=args out of range= error).
>     The problem I'm reporting here is visible *in the tangled file* (TeX). 
> So, to
>     reproduce it, just do =C-c C-v C-t= on this file, and look at the tangled 
> one.
>     * To
> #+begin_src csv :tangle addresses.csv<br>
> FirstName,LastName,Address,PostCode,Town<br>
> Anybody,Kind Enough,to look,at,this<br>
> #+end_src<br>
> * Subject
> #+srcname: subject
> #+begin_src org :results latex<br>
> This is my subject line<br>
> #+end_src<br>
> * Opening
> #+srcname: opening
> #+begin_src org :results latex<br>
> Dear,<br>
> #+end_src<br>
> * Body
> #+srcname: body
> #+begin_src org :results latex<br>
> This example was working for me in the past but is having problems now (at<br>
> least, on my new Windows machine -- after the Ubuntu one died): the first 
> line<br>
> of every block of text is simply eaten when being tangled.<br>
> <br>
> The second paragraph does not exhibit any particular trouble, so it really 
> is<br>
> the first line of every code block. Notice, *in the TeX tangled file*, 
> that:<br>
> <br>
> - the one-liner subject becomes void<br>
> - the one-liner opening becomes void<br>
> - the body looses its first line<br>
> - the one-liner closing becomes void<br>
> #+end_src<br>
> * Closing
> #+srcname: closing
> #+begin_src org :results latex<br>
> Can you reproduce this?<br>
> #+end_src<br>
> * Letter composition
> #+begin_src latex :noweb yes :tangle yes<br>
> \documentclass[11pt]{isodoc}<br>
> \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc}<br>
> \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}<br>
> \usepackage{datatool}<br>
> \DTLloaddb{addresses}{addresses.csv}<br>
> <br>
> \usepackage[scorpios]{isodoc-style}<br>
> <br>
> \setupdocument{<br>
>   subject = {%<br>
>    &lt;&lt;subject()&gt;&gt;},<br>
>   opening = {%<br>
>    &lt;&lt;opening()&gt;&gt;},<br>
>   closing = {%<br>
>    &lt;&lt;closing()&gt;&gt;}<br>
> }<br>
> <br>
> \begin{document}<br>
> \DTLforeach{addresses}{%<br>
>  \firstname=FirstName,%<br>
>  \lastname=LastName,%<br>
>  \addressi=Address,%<br>
>  \postcode=PostCode,%<br>
>  \town=Town%<br>
> }{%<br>
> \letter[to={\firstname~\lastname\\\addressi\\\postcode~\town}]{%<br>
> &lt;&lt;body()&gt;&gt;<br>
> }}<br>
> \end{document}<br>
> #+end_src<br>
> Best regards,
> ?Seb
> --
> S?bastien Vauban
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