
>>>>> Carsten Dominik writes:

>> Though, shouldn't I replace all those calls to
>> `org-get-limited-outline-regexp' with `org-with-limited-levels'
>> macro?

> I have not looked closely at your new code - but yes, this is what
> the macro is for!

The following patch does that, 3 times. I replaced one condition-case
with ignore-errors in the process.

As `org-store-link' is also modified, I did not apply it myself.


-- Nicolas

>From 2764d0a0fadec4fd6a2b3eab0ff98ca2e77d32d5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nicolas Goaziou <n.goaz...@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2010 00:39:13 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Small refactoring with org-with-limited-levels macro

 lisp/org.el |  365 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------
 1 files changed, 181 insertions(+), 184 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org.el b/lisp/org.el
index 53039e4..75fb221 100644
--- a/lisp/org.el
+++ b/lisp/org.el
@@ -7022,12 +7022,10 @@ in the region."
   "Return the level of the current entry, or nil if before the first headline.
 The level is the number of stars at the beginning of the headline."
-    (let ((outline-regexp (org-get-limited-outline-regexp)))
-      (condition-case nil
-         (progn
-           (org-back-to-heading t)
-           (funcall outline-level))
-       (error nil)))))
+    (org-with-limited-levels
+     (ignore-errors
+       (org-back-to-heading t)
+       (funcall outline-level)))))
 (defun org-get-previous-line-level ()
   "Return the outline depth of the last headline before the current line.
@@ -8275,183 +8273,183 @@ For file links, arg negates 
   (interactive "P")
   (setq org-store-link-plist nil)  ; reset
-  (let ((outline-regexp (org-get-limited-outline-regexp))
-       link cpltxt desc description search txt custom-id agenda-link)
-    (cond
-     ((run-hook-with-args-until-success 'org-store-link-functions)
-      (setq link (plist-get org-store-link-plist :link)
-           desc (or (plist-get org-store-link-plist :description) link)))
-     ((equal (buffer-name) "*Org Edit Src Example*")
-      (let (label gc)
-       (while (or (not label)
-                  (save-excursion
-                    (save-restriction
-                      (widen)
-                      (goto-char (point-min))
-                      (re-search-forward
-                       (regexp-quote (format org-coderef-label-format label))
-                       nil t))))
-         (when label (message "Label exists already") (sit-for 2))
-         (setq label (read-string "Code line label: " label)))
-       (end-of-line 1)
-       (setq link (format org-coderef-label-format label))
-       (setq gc (- 79 (length link)))
-       (if (< (current-column) gc) (org-move-to-column gc t) (insert " "))
-       (insert link)
-       (setq link (concat "(" label ")") desc nil)))
-     ((equal (org-bound-and-true-p org-agenda-buffer-name) (buffer-name))
-      ;; We are in the agenda, link to referenced location
-      (let ((m (or (get-text-property (point) 'org-hd-marker)
-                  (get-text-property (point) 'org-marker))))
-       (when m
-         (org-with-point-at m
-           (setq agenda-link
-                 (if (interactive-p)
-                     (call-interactively 'org-store-link)
-                   (org-store-link nil)))))))
-     ((eq major-mode 'calendar-mode)
-      (let ((cd (calendar-cursor-to-date)))
-       (setq link
-             (format-time-string
-              (car org-time-stamp-formats)
-              (apply 'encode-time
-                     (list 0 0 0 (nth 1 cd) (nth 0 cd) (nth 2 cd)
-                           nil nil nil))))
-       (org-store-link-props :type "calendar" :date cd)))
-     ((eq major-mode 'w3-mode)
-      (setq cpltxt (if (and (buffer-name)
-                           (not (string-match "Untitled" (buffer-name))))
-                      (buffer-name)
-                    (url-view-url t))
-           link (org-make-link (url-view-url t)))
-      (org-store-link-props :type "w3" :url (url-view-url t)))
-     ((eq major-mode 'w3m-mode)
-      (setq cpltxt (or w3m-current-title w3m-current-url)
-           link (org-make-link w3m-current-url))
-      (org-store-link-props :type "w3m" :url (url-view-url t)))
-     ((setq search (run-hook-with-args-until-success
-                   'org-create-file-search-functions))
-      (setq link (concat "file:" (abbreviate-file-name buffer-file-name)
-                        "::" search))
-      (setq cpltxt (or description link)))
-     ((eq major-mode 'image-mode)
-      (setq cpltxt (concat "file:"
-                          (abbreviate-file-name buffer-file-name))
-           link (org-make-link cpltxt))
-      (org-store-link-props :type "image" :file buffer-file-name))
-     ((eq major-mode 'dired-mode)
-      ;; link to the file in the current line
-      (let ((file (dired-get-filename nil t)))
-       (setq file (if file
-                      (abbreviate-file-name
-                       (expand-file-name (dired-get-filename nil t)))
-                    ;; otherwise, no file so use current directory.
-                    default-directory))
-       (setq cpltxt (concat "file:" file)
-             link (org-make-link cpltxt))))
-     ((and (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer)) (org-mode-p))
-      (setq custom-id (ignore-errors (org-entry-get nil "CUSTOM_ID")))
-      (cond
-       ((org-in-regexp "<<\\(.*?\\)>>")
-       (setq cpltxt
-             (concat "file:"
-                     (abbreviate-file-name
-                      (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer)))
-                     "::" (match-string 1))
-             link (org-make-link cpltxt)))
-       ((and (featurep 'org-id)
-            (or (eq org-link-to-org-use-id t)
-                (and (eq org-link-to-org-use-id 'create-if-interactive)
-                     (interactive-p))
-                (and (eq org-link-to-org-use-id 
-                     (interactive-p)
-                     (not custom-id))
-                (and org-link-to-org-use-id
-                     (condition-case nil
-                         (org-entry-get nil "ID")
-                       (error nil)))))
-       ;; We can make a link using the ID.
-       (setq link (condition-case nil
-                      (prog1 (org-id-store-link)
-                        (setq desc (plist-get org-store-link-plist
-                                              :description)))
-                    (error
-                     ;; probably before first headline, link to file only
-                     (concat "file:"
+  (org-with-limited-levels
+   (let (link cpltxt desc description search txt custom-id agenda-link)
+     (cond
+      ((run-hook-with-args-until-success 'org-store-link-functions)
+       (setq link (plist-get org-store-link-plist :link)
+            desc (or (plist-get org-store-link-plist :description) link)))
+      ((equal (buffer-name) "*Org Edit Src Example*")
+       (let (label gc)
+        (while (or (not label)
+                   (save-excursion
+                     (save-restriction
+                       (widen)
+                       (goto-char (point-min))
+                       (re-search-forward
+                        (regexp-quote (format org-coderef-label-format label))
+                        nil t))))
+          (when label (message "Label exists already") (sit-for 2))
+          (setq label (read-string "Code line label: " label)))
+        (end-of-line 1)
+        (setq link (format org-coderef-label-format label))
+        (setq gc (- 79 (length link)))
+        (if (< (current-column) gc) (org-move-to-column gc t) (insert " "))
+        (insert link)
+        (setq link (concat "(" label ")") desc nil)))
+      ((equal (org-bound-and-true-p org-agenda-buffer-name) (buffer-name))
+       ;; We are in the agenda, link to referenced location
+       (let ((m (or (get-text-property (point) 'org-hd-marker)
+                   (get-text-property (point) 'org-marker))))
+        (when m
+          (org-with-point-at m
+            (setq agenda-link
+                  (if (interactive-p)
+                      (call-interactively 'org-store-link)
+                    (org-store-link nil)))))))
+      ((eq major-mode 'calendar-mode)
+       (let ((cd (calendar-cursor-to-date)))
+        (setq link
+              (format-time-string
+               (car org-time-stamp-formats)
+               (apply 'encode-time
+                      (list 0 0 0 (nth 1 cd) (nth 0 cd) (nth 2 cd)
+                            nil nil nil))))
+        (org-store-link-props :type "calendar" :date cd)))
+      ((eq major-mode 'w3-mode)
+       (setq cpltxt (if (and (buffer-name)
+                            (not (string-match "Untitled" (buffer-name))))
+                       (buffer-name)
+                     (url-view-url t))
+            link (org-make-link (url-view-url t)))
+       (org-store-link-props :type "w3" :url (url-view-url t)))
+      ((eq major-mode 'w3m-mode)
+       (setq cpltxt (or w3m-current-title w3m-current-url)
+            link (org-make-link w3m-current-url))
+       (org-store-link-props :type "w3m" :url (url-view-url t)))
+      ((setq search (run-hook-with-args-until-success
+                    'org-create-file-search-functions))
+       (setq link (concat "file:" (abbreviate-file-name buffer-file-name)
+                         "::" search))
+       (setq cpltxt (or description link)))
+      ((eq major-mode 'image-mode)
+       (setq cpltxt (concat "file:"
+                           (abbreviate-file-name buffer-file-name))
+            link (org-make-link cpltxt))
+       (org-store-link-props :type "image" :file buffer-file-name))
+      ((eq major-mode 'dired-mode)
+       ;; link to the file in the current line
+       (let ((file (dired-get-filename nil t)))
+        (setq file (if file
+                       (abbreviate-file-name
+                        (expand-file-name (dired-get-filename nil t)))
+                     ;; otherwise, no file so use current directory.
+                     default-directory))
+        (setq cpltxt (concat "file:" file)
+              link (org-make-link cpltxt))))
+      ((and (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer)) (org-mode-p))
+       (setq custom-id (ignore-errors (org-entry-get nil "CUSTOM_ID")))
+       (cond
+       ((org-in-regexp "<<\\(.*?\\)>>")
+        (setq cpltxt
+              (concat "file:"
+                      (abbreviate-file-name
+                       (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer)))
+                      "::" (match-string 1))
+              link (org-make-link cpltxt)))
+       ((and (featurep 'org-id)
+             (or (eq org-link-to-org-use-id t)
+                 (and (eq org-link-to-org-use-id 'create-if-interactive)
+                      (interactive-p))
+                 (and (eq org-link-to-org-use-id 
+                      (interactive-p)
+                      (not custom-id))
+                 (and org-link-to-org-use-id
+                      (condition-case nil
+                          (org-entry-get nil "ID")
+                        (error nil)))))
+        ;; We can make a link using the ID.
+        (setq link (condition-case nil
+                       (prog1 (org-id-store-link)
+                         (setq desc (plist-get org-store-link-plist
+                                               :description)))
+                     (error
+                      ;; probably before first headline, link to file only
+                      (concat "file:"
+                              (abbreviate-file-name
+                               (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer))))))))
+       (t
+        ;; Just link to current headline
+        (setq cpltxt (concat "file:"
-                              (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer))))))))
-       (t
-       ;; Just link to current headline
-       (setq cpltxt (concat "file:"
-                            (abbreviate-file-name
-                             (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer)))))
-       ;; Add a context search string
-       (when (org-xor org-context-in-file-links arg)
-         (setq txt (cond
-                    ((org-on-heading-p) nil)
-                    ((org-region-active-p)
-                     (buffer-substring (region-beginning) (region-end)))
-                    (t nil)))
-         (when (or (null txt) (string-match "\\S-" txt))
-           (setq cpltxt
-                 (concat cpltxt "::"
-                         (condition-case nil
-                             (org-make-org-heading-search-string txt)
-                           (error "")))
-                 desc (or (nth 4 (ignore-errors
-                                   (org-heading-components))) "NONE"))))
-       (if (string-match "::\\'" cpltxt)
-           (setq cpltxt (substring cpltxt 0 -2)))
-       (setq link (org-make-link cpltxt)))))
-     ((buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer))
-      ;; Just link to this file here.
-      (setq cpltxt (concat "file:"
-                          (abbreviate-file-name
-                           (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer)))))
-      ;; Add a context string
-      (when (org-xor org-context-in-file-links arg)
-       (setq txt (if (org-region-active-p)
-                     (buffer-substring (region-beginning) (region-end))
-                   (buffer-substring (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol))))
-       ;; Only use search option if there is some text.
-       (when (string-match "\\S-" txt)
-         (setq cpltxt
-               (concat cpltxt "::" (org-make-org-heading-search-string txt))
-               desc "NONE")))
-      (setq link (org-make-link cpltxt)))
-     ((interactive-p)
-      (error "Cannot link to a buffer which is not visiting a file"))
-     (t (setq link nil)))
-    (if (consp link) (setq cpltxt (car link) link (cdr link)))
-    (setq link (or link cpltxt)
-         desc (or desc cpltxt))
-    (if (equal desc "NONE") (setq desc nil))
-    (if (and (or (interactive-p) executing-kbd-macro) link)
-       (progn
-         (setq org-stored-links
-               (cons (list link desc) org-stored-links))
-         (message "Stored: %s" (or desc link))
-         (when custom-id
-           (setq link (concat "file:" (abbreviate-file-name (buffer-file-name))
-                              "::#" custom-id))
-           (setq org-stored-links
-                 (cons (list link desc) org-stored-links))))
-      (or agenda-link (and link (org-make-link-string link desc))))))
+                              (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer)))))
+        ;; Add a context search string
+        (when (org-xor org-context-in-file-links arg)
+          (setq txt (cond
+                     ((org-on-heading-p) nil)
+                     ((org-region-active-p)
+                      (buffer-substring (region-beginning) (region-end)))
+                     (t nil)))
+          (when (or (null txt) (string-match "\\S-" txt))
+            (setq cpltxt
+                  (concat cpltxt "::"
+                          (condition-case nil
+                              (org-make-org-heading-search-string txt)
+                            (error "")))
+                  desc (or (nth 4 (ignore-errors
+                                    (org-heading-components))) "NONE"))))
+        (if (string-match "::\\'" cpltxt)
+            (setq cpltxt (substring cpltxt 0 -2)))
+        (setq link (org-make-link cpltxt)))))
+      ((buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer))
+       ;; Just link to this file here.
+       (setq cpltxt (concat "file:"
+                           (abbreviate-file-name
+                            (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer)))))
+       ;; Add a context string
+       (when (org-xor org-context-in-file-links arg)
+        (setq txt (if (org-region-active-p)
+                      (buffer-substring (region-beginning) (region-end))
+                    (buffer-substring (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol))))
+        ;; Only use search option if there is some text.
+        (when (string-match "\\S-" txt)
+          (setq cpltxt
+                (concat cpltxt "::" (org-make-org-heading-search-string txt))
+                desc "NONE")))
+       (setq link (org-make-link cpltxt)))
+      ((interactive-p)
+       (error "Cannot link to a buffer which is not visiting a file"))
+      (t (setq link nil)))
+     (if (consp link) (setq cpltxt (car link) link (cdr link)))
+     (setq link (or link cpltxt)
+          desc (or desc cpltxt))
+     (if (equal desc "NONE") (setq desc nil))
+     (if (and (or (interactive-p) executing-kbd-macro) link)
+        (progn
+          (setq org-stored-links
+                (cons (list link desc) org-stored-links))
+          (message "Stored: %s" (or desc link))
+          (when custom-id
+            (setq link (concat "file:" (abbreviate-file-name 
+                               "::#" custom-id))
+            (setq org-stored-links
+                  (cons (list link desc) org-stored-links))))
+       (or agenda-link (and link (org-make-link-string link desc)))))))
 (defun org-store-link-props (&rest plist)
   "Store link properties, extract names and addresses."
@@ -18605,8 +18603,7 @@ If point is in an inline task, mark that task instead."
      (inline-task-p (org-inlinetask-goto-beginning))
      ((org-at-heading-p) (beginning-of-line))
-     (t (let ((outline-regexp (org-get-limited-outline-regexp)))
-         (outline-previous-visible-heading 1))))
+     (t (org-with-limited-levels (outline-previous-visible-heading 1))))
     (setq beg (point))
     ;; Get end of it
     (if        inline-task-p

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