Ben Ward <> writes:

> #+begin_src R :exports both
>   full <- read.csv(file="~/Documents/BSc Biology/Third Year/BY6001-40 - 
> Dissertation/Data and Analysis/Evolution Results.csv", head=T)
>   library("lattice")
>   ecoli = subset(full, Bacterium=="E.coli")
>   edett = subset(ecoli, Cleaner=="Dettol")
>   egarl = subset(ecoli, Cleaner=="Garlic")
> MIC.mod = lm(MIC. ~ 1+Challenge*Cleaner*Replicate, data=ecoli)
> #+end_src

Hi Ben,

Use the :width and :height header args to alter the dimensions of the
graphics. The arguments go straight through to the R device, so if you
are plotting to pdf they will be interpreted as inches (whereas they
will be pixels for png, jpeg etc).

With current Org, you will also need :results graphics in order to tell
R to send graphics to the designated file.

In addition, with lattice graphics, unless you are using :session, I
believe you will need :results output (so :results output graphics).

Do get back to us with any problems. There are several people who
routinely use R to include graphics in Org documents.


p.s. Request to everyone: can we try as much as possible to use
reproducible examples on-list?  I.e. toy examples that anyone can
execute, instead of real examples that rely on datasets that not
everyone has access to.

> #+begin_src R :file fig1.pdf
>   xyplot( MIC.+fitted(MIC.mod) ~ Challenge, data=ecoli, 
> xlab="Challenge", ylab="MIC %", auto.key=TRUE)
> #+end_src
> #+attr_latex: width=0.6\textwidth wrap placement={h}{0.4\textwidth}
> #+label: fig:one
> #+caption: Linar Plot of real data and fitted model values
> #+results: fig1
> [[file:fig1.pdf]]
> In the case of this code, actually altering size works, but it keeps 
> putting the image at the end of my document. Then other images, placed 
> with pretty much the same code, give or take for filenames and such, 
> won't increace in size, but will alter their movement.
> I'm wondering if using pure latex for my images would be an easier solution.
> Cheers,
> Ben.
> On 07/01/2011 18:30, Thomas S. Dye wrote:
>> Aloha Ben,
>> Can you share an example that doesn't work for you?
>> All the best,
>> Tom
>> On Jan 7, 2011, at 7:23 AM, Ben Ward wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I've been doing some work with babel and R to generate graphs that 
>>> I've then been including useing attr latex.
>>> But when I include images the always appear very very small, even 
>>> when I mess about with the width settings of the attr latex line and 
>>> remove the options for wrap and such.
>>> Does anybody else use R with images and org, and could tell me how 
>>> they handle including R graphics in their documents?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ben. W
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