"Filippo A. Salustri" <salus...@ryerson.ca> writes:
> 2. A vi-esque data entry mode
> No offence, but I've always found emacs-y key bindings to be incredibly
> unintuitive compared to, say, vi/vim.
> The idea would be to rebind all keys on top of something like, but not
> necessarily identical to, vi-mode.
> I find that there are two "thinking styles" when I'm using org-mode:
> organizing and gathering.  When "gathering," I'm mostly in emacs mode
> cuz it's mostly entering data with little editing except for
> corrections to spelling etc.  When "organizing," I'm doing little data
> entry, and mostly moving stuff around, adding dates, changing task
> status etc.
> In organizing mode, it's a pain for me to do the Cu-Cc-Cwhatever thing,
> so I think it could be useful to people to have a choice of having a
> simpler keystroke set available.

Have you checked out the speed keys feature?

(info "(org) Speed keys")


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