Torsten Wagner <> writes:

> Dear Bastien,
> you might consider to add a Flattr account for org-mode too.  As far
> as I understood Flattr is a micorpayment system on a monthly
> base. People donate a monthly sum and this will be shared by the
> projects they marked (by click on a clever placed icon) over a month
> period.

The argument against it would be that it `reduces' the amount. Consider
the case of micro-donors ...

When one exchanges gifts one is obliged to consider how the gift would
be perceived by the other party. If the exchange is between individuals
(as opposed to between an individual and an impersonal organization) the
above argument cannot be set aside.

> I believe this heavily lower the resistance to place a
> donation, people think "Since I spend the money every month why not
> donating to org-mode", which is quite different to "Ohh paypal, I need
> to pull out my credit card and enter all my credentials, wait is it
> save, wait should I do it now, wait will my spouse punish me for
> throwing out money again for my crazy interests" ;)

There could be donors who wouldn't want to own a Credit Card ... For
such donors PayPal is too burdensome. Plain Old postal system trumps for
such donors. Postal addresses (real or virtual mailboxes) should be made
accessible to the community. Having a mailbox could be cumbersome for
`non-enterprisey' projects that are led by individuals. In this case,
FSF can act as an organisational intermediary aggregating and channeling
the donations to projects based on donor's discretion. (I don't know
whether they do so already)

> I guess the idea is to place those icons at places where people just
> got very happy about org-mode... maybe the manual section, or Worg,
> video tutorial page, etc.

IMHO, the landing page is the right place for it. Burying it too deep
would `smell' (whatever that means).

You seem to think that `contributions' to Free Software Projects are
likely to be impulsive decisions as opposed to well-considered ones
... I hesitate to buy this argument.

Jambunathan K.

> All the best
> Totti
> On 02/04/2011 12:15 AM, Bastien wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> as you know, some of us will meet this saturday at FOSDEM.
>> It will be great to meet IRL, to discuss Org past, present
>> and future -- I really can't wait for that!
>> Everyone on this list already contributes with code, patches,
>> feedback, tests, ideas and... patience with the new maintainer.
>> And I guess Everyone at FOSDEM will express his gratitude to
>> Carsten for all the work he did and continues doing.
>> But... what about expressing this gratitude as a *GIFT*?
>> What about taking 10 minutes of your time and make a donation?
>> *Every donation* made from now until sunday evening will go to
>> Carsten.  Please go to and say thanks :)
>> Let's show the FOSDEM crowd that fun&  fame are not the only
>> rewards that such an effort deserves :)
>> Thanks!!
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