Am 08.02.2011, 16:47 Uhr, schrieb Thomas S. Dye <>:

On Feb 8, 2011, at 4:59 AM, Avdi Grimm wrote:

I'm working on creating a PDF eBook with Org-Mode, and I'm running
into some difficulty getting them to come out looking decent.


I'm seeing a few problems with the output:

1. There is no color; only bolded keywords
2. Listings are formatted in a not-very-well-rendered font with serifs
that just doesn't look good at all.

Instructions for setting up different fonts can be found here:

I think a better answer for point 2. might be a header line of

#+LaTeX_HEADER: \lstset{ basicstyle=\small\ttfamily }

Best regards

All the best,

3. In begin_example sections, spaces are replaced with odd little
curved underscores.

I've attached some examples to show what I mean.

I'm running Org-Mode 7.4 on Ubuntu 10.10 with Emacs

Has anyone had any luck formatting source code and example listings in
PDF output? What I'd really like to get is output identical to the
listings exported to HTML.


Avdi Grimm
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