Hi Eric, 

On Feb 15, 2011, at 1:49 PM, Eric Schulte wrote:

> This may be possible through the use of the ":results src" header
> argument e.g., the following minimal code block
> #+begin_src R :results code
>  8
> #+end_src
> evaluates to the following
> #+results:
> 8

That does work — thank you. But while experimenting with this I found that 
while doing

#+begin_src R :results value code :exports both
   x <- c(1:10)

works as expected, with both code and result wrapped in a minted environment, 
replacing mean(x) with summary(x)

#+begin_src R :results value code :exports both
  x <- c(1:10)

gives this garbled output:

> \begin{minted}[]{R}
> x <- c(1:10)
> summary(x)
> \end{minted}
> \end{SRC}
> \begin{SRC}R

This also fails in HTML export, where the corresponding reversed/garbled bit is 

> <p>
> </div>
> <div class="SRC R">
> </p>

Finally, it's still the case that if the code block is preceded by a 
#+BEGIN_LaTeX block, e.g., 

> \thispagestyle{kjhgit} % but anything will do it
> #+END_LaTeX

Then R is not called at all and I just get the src block in the exported .tex 
or .html file, and no results. 


Kieran Healy :: http://www.kieranhealy.org

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