Your welcome Wang, my pleasure--I learned a few things too.

I used to make tables like the one you seem to be trying to put into and use
in an OrgMode Table.

Your table:

|       | HEAD2 | Item 1         |
|       +-------+----------------|
| HEAD1 |       | Item 2         |
|       + HEAD3 |----------------|
|       |       | Item 3         |

* Reminds me of SAS multivariate statistics output and the "PROC TABULATE"
** See these:
** Program example is in:
** Program example output:
                      Energy Expenditures for Each Region
                             (millions of dollars)

              |                       |          Type           |
              |                       |-------------------------|
              |                       |Residential |  Business  |
              |                       | Customers  | Customers  |
              |                       |------------+------------|
              |                       |Expenditures|Expenditures|
              |                       |------------+------------|
              |                       |    Sum     |    Sum     |
              |Region     |Division   |            |            |
              |-----------+-----------|            |            |
              |Northeast  |New England|      $7,477|      $5,129|
              |           |-----------+------------+------------|
              |           |Middle     |            |            |
              |           |Atlantic   |     $19,379|     $15,078|
              |West       |Mountain   |      $5,476|      $4,729|
              |           |-----------+------------+------------|
              |           |Pacific    |     $13,959|     $12,619|
** Shows how to put .xls files into SAS, etc.:
** You may be able to go from .txt/csv <=> EXCEL <=> SAS <=> .pdf/.ps

*Also, not sure you know about this extremely useful method that may help
you get fancy graphics:
Use "ditaa"!

** From :
#+begin_src ditaa :file communication.png :cmdline -r -s 0.8
        +-----------+        +---------+
        |    PLC    |        |         |
        |  Network  +<------>+   PLC   +<---=---------+
        |    cRED   |        |  c707   |              |
        +-----------+        +----+----+              |
                                  ^                   |
                                  |                   |
                                  |  +----------------|-----------------+
                                  |  |                |                 |
                                  v  v                v                 v
          +----------+       +----+--+--+      +-------+---+
 +-----+-----+       Windows clients
          |          |       |          |      |           |      |
  |      +----+      +----+
          | Database +<----->+  Shared  +<---->+ Executive +<-=-->+ Operator
 +<---->|cYEL| . . .|cYEL|
          |   c707   |       |  Memory  |      |   c707    |      | Server
 |      |    |      |    |
          +--+----+--+       |{d} cGRE  |      +------+----+      |   c707
 |      +----+      +----+
             ^    ^          +----------+             ^
             |    |                                   |

             |    +--------=--------------------------+

    |                 |

    | Millwide System |            -------- Data ---------

    | cBLU            |            --=----- Signals ---=--



** Make a DITAA diagram of the table and use the methods shown at:

* Maybe make two or three separate tables--and maybe separate with
whitespace--with only one "real" OrgMode table that you do spreadsheet
formula calcs, etc. in:

** Example:

|--------+-----| -------+-------+
| Item 1 |   4 |        | TAIL2 |
|--------+-----|        |-------+
| Item 2 | 555 |  TAIL1 |       |
|--------+-----|        | TAIL3 |
| Item 3 | 559 |        |       |
|--------+-----| -------+-------+
#+TBLFM: @3$2=@1$2+@2$2
** But when I recalculate OrgTable pushes the tables back together.
** Maybe make two tables and use the UNIX "paste" command to paste them
*** Maybe then use the TeX "\verbatim".

*Tried putting in "^H"==backspaces:
|--------+-----| ^H-------+-------+
| Item 1 |   4 | ^H       | HEAD2 |
|--------+-----| ^H       |-------+
| Item 2 | 555 | ^H HEAD1 |       |
|--------+-----| ^H       | HEAD3 |
| Item 3 | 559 | ^H       |       |
|--------+-----| ^H-------+-------+

** Then you could print it out of a program and it would look like one
table; but, again, CuCcCc --recalculation glued the table back together--in
an ugly way.

*** Maybe suggest making "^H" (the backspace character) a character that
OrgTableMode will treat as the end-of-line/"$"

On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 3:20 PM, Wang Coeus <> wrote:

> Bastien <> writes:
> > Hi Wang,
> >
> > Wang Coeus <> writes:
> >
> >> Will org consider to support this in future?
> >
> > There is no plan for this right now.
> >
> > But what about cheating a bit and play with the _display_ of the table?
> >
> > | Header      | Header |
> > |-------------+--------|
> > | I want to   |        |
> > | write stuff |        |
> > | on several  |        |
> > | lines       |        |
> >
> > You should be able to export this table to HTML or LaTeX and simulate a
> > multiline cell on the first column.  Just a workaround, but could do in
> > some situations.
> >
> > Also, note that you can shrink the cell length by adding <length>:
> >
> >      |---+------------------------------|               |---+--------|
> >      |   |                              |               |   | <6>    |
> >      | 1 | one                          |               | 1 | one    |
> >      | 2 | two                          |     ----\     | 2 | two    |
> >      | 3 | This is a long chunk of text |     ----/     | 3 | This=> |
> >      | 4 | four                         |               | 4 | four   |
> >      |---+------------------------------|               |---+--------|
> >
> > which helps having long text in a single-line cell.
> >
> > HTH,
> Hi Bastien,
> Really appreciate your help here. The reason I asked this question is
> because I always feel it's too complicated to edit a table with
> table.el. Your suggestion is good for me. :) But there are sometimes
> also need to draw a table as below:
> |-------+-------+----------------|
> |       | HEAD2 | Item 1         |
> |       +-------+----------------|
> | HEAD1 |       | Item 2         |
> |       + HEAD3 |----------------|
> |       |       | Item 3         |
> |-------+-------+----------------|
> For such a kind of situation, we only can implement with table.el,
> right?
> Really thanks for all your kind help. :)
> --
> Coeus
> In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.
>                -- Albert Einstein
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