Arun Persaud <> writes:

> Hi
>>>[option to ignore entries older than N days]
>> Very useful option!  Thanks.
>> I would be tempted to make the default ignore any old events.  Any
>> thoughts on this?
> I changed it to ignore everything older than one week.
> I also updated the timezone parsing a bit after reading part of section
> 4.3.5 of RFC2445 (ical). There seem to be 3 ways to specify a timezone
> date+T+time                   floating timezone=> assume local time
> date+T+timeZ                  always UTC
> TZID=<timezone>;date+T+time   time given in timezone
> ical2org should now parse the first two correctly. Let me know in case
> this doesn't work correctly. If I have more time, I'll play with the
> third timezone spec too...
> cheers
> Arun

I can only verify that the second option seems to work (as all my google
calendar entries are of that type).  

however, I'm a little concerned with some of the other changes,
specifically that all timed events have become scheduled todo entries
(of type GCAL) which really doesn't fit in with my use case at all
unfortunately.  I think scheduled events should be restricted to TODO
entries -- maybe it's a matter of figuring out how google exports tasks
and keep diary entries as just that?

I do like that you are picking up the LOCATION and STATUS fields.  I
wonder if these could be made into properties for the org headlines you
create, much as is done with the UID entry?

: Eric S Fraga (GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D) in Emacs
: using Org-mode version 7.4 (release_7.4.529.gb23d.dirty)

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