David Ellis <ddellis...@gmail.com> wrote:

> After I sent this email, I found ical2org.el. I saved a month of my
> calendar from Outlook to an iCalendar file. Then, I used
> ical2org/convert-file to convert it to an org file. All of the times
> were off by 6 hours. Since I live in the Central time zone in the US
> that is GMT-6, I wondered if this was the issue. When I used
> icalendar-import-file to convert the iCalendar file to a diary file,
> the times were okay.

Where did you get ical2org.el? Does it use icalendar.el as distributed
with emacs? IME, the latter has a lot of problems with timezones (based
on a very cursory examination - I mean to go back to that but haven't had
the time), so if the former uses it, I wouldn't be surprised to see
timezone problems cropping up.

I bet you would have better luck with the awk script, if only because the
two people who have worked on it (Eric Fraga who originated it and Arun
Persaud who has added functionality recently and has taken over its care
and feeding [fn:1]) are both regulars on this ML and *very* responsive.


[fn:1] I hope this description is accurate but the principals involved
might have different ideas - this is just my reading of the situation.

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