Michael Käufl <org-m...@lists.michael-kaeufl.de> writes:

> No it's not.  As you can see here [1], Julien Danjou has already started
> to inlucde more features.  For now org-contacts supportes mail addresses
> and irc nicknames.  And I'm sure a lot more will follow.

Good to know :)
So I think I will avoid trying BBDB after all, I can start with this already.

I have a first thing working well enough for the translation, I use
contacts to get the fields: http://gnufoo.org/contacts/contacts.html

It's very stupid now since it only takes one email and no other fields,
but it's ready for enhancements.
Anyway it 

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
#!/usr/bin/env python

Get the contacts with http://gnufoo.org/contacts/contacts.html
 and print out a org-contacts valid output

import subprocess

FMT = [("first name", "fn"),
       ("last name", "ln"),
       ("home mail", "he"),
       ("work mail", "we"),
       ("other mail", "oe"),
       ("birthday", "b")]

cmd = "contacts -H -S -f '%s'" % (';'.join('%' + x[1] for x in FMT))

proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
out, err = proc.communicate()

org_contact_template = """* %s
:EMAIL:   %s

for line in out.splitlines():
    s = line.split(';')
    if s[2]:
        print org_contact_template % (' '.join((s[0], s[1])), s[2])
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

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