Sébastien Vauban <wxhgmqzgw...@spammotel.com>

> Hi Richard,
> Richard Riley wrote:
>> when I create an agenda matching a certain tag its not working for file
>> level tags. Is this a known issue or have I done something wrong?
>> (C-c a m)
>> http://orgmode.org/manual/Setting-tags.html
>> file level tags:
>>   #+TAGS: laptop car pc sailboat
> It works for me with a slightly different syntax:
> #+FILETAGS: :laptop:car:pc:sailboat:

Good to know as thats how I had it originally.

I wonder if its a bug to do with my capture template being of the form

 ("j" "Journal" entry
  (file+datetree "journal.org")
  "* %?\n       :PROPERTIES:\n  :DateCreated: %T\n      :END:\n%i\n%a")

i.e datetree not being properly searched? Other file level tags work



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