John Hendy <> wrote:

> ... 
> Well, so far I should only have one version? Or not since I installed
> emacs as well. I guess that could have overwritten some of the default
> packages or mingled with them?
> Even so, could I just add a:
> ,---
> | (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.elisp/org.git/lisp")
> `---
> and be alright?

Yes, although you might want to add the contrib/lisp directory too if you
are using anything from there.  You can use locate-library to make sure that
emacs is loading a file from the place where you expect it to:

M-x locate-library <RET> org <RET>
M-x locate-library <RET> org-clock <RET>

and so on for each file (although it would be pretty weird if it loaded
some files from one place and some from another). Also take a very
careful look at your load-path. That is my first knee-jerk response
every time I see weirdness.


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