
lbml...@hethcote.com writes:

> I may have not read sufficiently, but I have not yet found how to set
> the beginning number when exporting to HTML and I'm desiring to start
> with a number other than 1.
> * This
> ** is the example
> *** that I play
> *** with
> Exports to:
> 1 This
> 1.1 is the example
> 1.1.1 that I play
> 1.1.2 with
> What I would like to do is set the initial number so that the exported
> reads as:
> 33 This
> 33.1 is the example
> 33.1.1 that I play
> 33.1.2 with

This may not be exactly what you're looking after, but lists can do
something like this:

#+title: Say 33

33. [@33] This
    1. is the example
       1. that I play
       2. with



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