Hi Andreas,

The ":exports results" header argument is overriding the ":results
silent" header argument, which IMO is desired behavior.  Thanks to your
example I see this is not the case for regular code blocks.  I would
think that the behavior should be changed for regular code blocks,
s.t. both of the tests in your example below export results.

Best -- Eric

Andreas Leha <andreas.l...@med.uni-goettingen.de> writes:

> Hi everyone,
> Just pulled the latest HEAD and found that there is a regression in
> babel.  When a source block is evaluated via #+call the :results silent
> header arguement is ignored during export
> =test file====================================
> * Test1
>   #+srcname: test
>   #+begin_src R :session :exports results :results silent
>     1:10
>   #+end_src
>   Test1.
> * Test2
>   #+call: test() :session :exports results :results silent
>   Test2.
> ==========================================
> Regards,
> Andreas

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