Matt Lundin <> writes:

> I've been navigating the org-issues file (14000+ lines) and have found
> movement within the file to be fairly slow. Sometimes Emacs will lock up
> for several seconds.
> For instance, to move from the level one heading "* Other" to "* Closed
> issues" when the outline is folded takes over three seconds:
> next-line     1           3.015289      3.015289
> In my experience, the maximum workable size of org files is around
> 10,000 lines. Beyond that, Emacs starts to spin its wheels.
> Do others have the same experience? If so, does anyone have any tips on
> how to diagnose this further?
> (insert "\n" emacs-version)
> 23.3.1
> (insert "\n" org-version)
> 7.5
> Best,
> Matt

Interesting.  It doesn't take 3 seconds on my system (Intel(R)
Pentium(R) D CPU 2.80GHz) but there is a noticeable delay using C-n to
move from =* Other= to =* Closed issues=.  However, using C-cC-n to move
has no delay at all and moving backwards (either C-p or C-cC-p) also
exhibits no delay.

I have noticed significant slowness in some of my own files lately when
including babel source code blocks, especially latex ones.  But I
haven't been able to reproduce this slowness predictably enough to
instrument it and hence report it in any useful sense... still

: Eric S Fraga (GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D) in Emacs
: using Org-mode version 7.5 (release_7.5.38.gf8c6.dirty)

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