At Fri, 11 Mar 2011 13:41:45 +0000 (UTC),
Rafal wrote:
> Bastien <bzg <at>> writes:
> Hi Bastien,
> >
> > Can you give an example?
> >
> So I'm trying to write a custom function to set regexp search string for c/c++
> code by writing org-create-file-search-functions hook. (code #1 below )
> After using the hook by issuing org-store-link in c/c++ buffer, and
> org-insert-link in org-mode buffer I noticed that the link has slashes instead
> of backslashes in my regexp.
> So I delved into the org-insert-link code and found out that it calls
> expand-file-name on the whole link (filename::regexp) which translates my
> regexp's backslashes to slashes. It happens only on emacs on windows,
> under linux it is ok.
> I also experimented by changing the culprit lines of org-store-link and
> it helped (code #2 below) but it seems to be too destructive.
> So I'm wondering if it is a bug that may be fixed or my way of doing
> it is wrong?

I suppose more a glitch.  AFAIK there is currently no distinction
between real link target paths (files, directories etc.) and
expressions that would qualify as a query part of a link (e.g. like
the regexp).

Maybe fiddling with percent escaping (Cf. org-link-escape and
org-link-unescape) might provide a way to protect the slashes from

  -- David
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