You know, I think this may be the same bug I ran into 3 years ago when I last tried Org-mode. Is there any hope that this will be addressed? I note that this forum is the only location given for sending bug reports in the documentation.


--- On Sat, 3/19/11, Nick Dokos <> wrote:

From: Nick Dokos <>
Subject: Re: [O] Bug: Recurring items don't always show up in timeline
To: "Chris Randle" <>
Date: Saturday, March 19, 2011, 11:46 AM
Chris Randle <>
On 2011-03-18 21:20, Nick Dokos wrote:
> > Mark S<>wrote:
> >
> >> I posted this before as a question, but since
it has been confirmed by
> >> others, and shows up under Linux and Windows,
I'll now post the
> >> details as a bug.
> >>
> >> The Timeline view *would* be very useful for
scheduling months in
> >> advance, reviewing history, or printing a
year event
> >> calendar. Unfortunately, it appears that it
can't really be trusted.
> >> The basic problem is that in AGENDA TIMELINE
view ("C-a L") recurring
> >> items are frequently and unpredictably
dropped from the view. The
> >> regular AGENDA view works fine AFAIK -- its
the TIMELINE that is at
> >> issue.
> >
> > AFAICT, the culprit is org-get-all-dates: it
matches date strings, translates
> > to number of days since the (imaginary) date
> > accumulates them in a list, sorts them, takes
care of gaps - but
> > completely ignores any repeaters: iow, the "don't
always show" in the
> > Subject line should more accurately say "never
>> Unless I'm missing something (again!), when I try it,
they *do* repeat
> *sometimes*. For example, the entry
>> TODO [#A] Bath for dog <2011-03-10 Thu +1w>
>> appears in agenda timeline as follows:
>> 2011-03-10, miss 1 week, 2011-03-24, 2011-03-31,
2011-04-07, miss 7
> weeks, 2011-06-02, miss 8 weeks (agenda terminates
>That's true. I believe that's when it coincides with
another entry: it
sneaks in on the heels of the other entry. But I may very
well be wrong:
I have only scratched the surface a bit.

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