Hi all, I'm fairly new to org-mode, and I only use it as an outliner / note taking tool. It seems recipes, being a list of ingredients and a series of steps is a perfect match for org-mode.
Out of the box, org already works pretty well for recipes, but I think there are some areas for improved integration around timers. I'm not familiar with all the facilities of org-mode, maybe someone who uses org-mode for scientific experiments or something similar will have some hints. Is it possible to inline count-down timers in a cooking step? For example "2. simmer sauce for 40 minutes on low heat. <start_timer_button>", so there is a button at the end of the line that starts a count-down timer. Many timers from different steps can be started simultaneously, and each timer should be able to be paused and restarted. And there should be an easy way to get an overview of of all ongoing timers from the current document. Is it possible to hack this together using existing org functionality? Thanks. -- Le